Baby humpback whales nurse; Researchers recognize rapid speciation; Activists redefine marriage again; Americans marry less often; Neurologists tell language fables; Paleontologists review fossils from the Sahara; Abortionists outraged by coronovirus closures . . . and more in this episode of Answers News.
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Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. (Hebrews 13:4)
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Dr. Jennifer Rivera:
Roger Patterson:
Tim Chaffey:
Articles reviewed in this broadcast:
Amazing new video shows baby humpback whales nursing from their moms
Rapid evolution in fish: Genomic changes within a generation
Polygamy Advocates Lay Groundwork for Civil Rights Revolution
Latest figures on U.S. marriage rate show all-time low
origins of human language pathway in the brain at least 25 million years old
Paleontologists reveal the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth'.
Planned Parenthood prez: restricting abortions during health crisis unconscionable'
After the dinosaurs went extinct, some birds shrank in body size and kept big brains
Ancient crazy beast' from Madagascar had mismatched body and teeth from outer space'
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Photo by Denise Chan on Unsplash
Up Next in 2020: April - June
5/11 Unpacking Raptors
Murder hornets invade; Gondwanatherian bones make headlines; Deluded mum sues British government; Canadian judge screams at father for resisting state sterilization of daughter; Evolutionists argue about unfossilized raptor behavior . . . and more in this broadcast of Answers News!
Murder horne...
5/13 ELCA Prays to Mother God
Customer tips big; Filmmaker normalizes dysphoria; Researchers trace marble to specific quarry; Professors announce our sun is not normal; ELCA prays to mother god; Parents disagree with school board over sex indoctrination; Naturalists see evolution in pandemic . . . and more in this broadcast o...
5/20 More Flood Evidence Ignored
Holey Rome; Ghoulish marketing; Provocative judge; Bearded fable; Misinterpreted belemnoid; Murderous charity; Reported propaganda; Spun facts and more in this episode of Answers News.
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In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness t...