Bee: Nuggets feature dinosaurs and humans together; Debates continue over the age of the universe; Harvard graduate insists there are six sexes; Team announces CRISPRon and CRISPRoff that can alter epigenetics; Researchers create oxygen simulations to guess the motives of dead people; Biden asks courts to force religious doctors and hospitals to perform transgender surgeries; SPU faculty votes against trustees who affirm biblical view of sexuality; Climate alarmists interpret underwater archaeology to support their fears . . . and other stories reviewed during this May 5, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,‚ Jesus replied. But at the beginning of creation God made them male and female.'"
- - - - - - - - - - - Mark 10:5-6
New Young Earth Creationists Nuggets Feature Dinos and Humans Living Together Peacefully
How old is the universe?
Modern science' says there are six sexes, Democratic Texas state legislator insists
New CRISPR technology offers unrivaled control of epigenetic inheritance
Ancient people may have created cave art while hallucinating
Biden Files Appeal That Would Force Religious Doctors, Hospitals to Perform transgender Surgeries despite objections
Christian University Faculty Revolt After Board Votes to Affirm Biblical View of Sexuality
Exploring Aquaterra', the drowned continent walked by our ancestors
The Lies they told me in Sunday School
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Photo by John-Mark Smith
Up Next in 2021: April - June
5/10 Who Hates Whom?
Navel-gazing science considers belly buttons; Finnish Prosecutor General accuses Christians of intolerance, contempt and hatred; Finnish PG also charges pastor for publishing book in 2004 that violates law passed in 2017; Facebook bans LifeSiteNews; Author appeals to experts and huge spans of tim...
5/12 Should Skin Tone Limit Adoption?
Four boys, five girls, and new mother, Halima Cisse, are doing well; Large US adoption agency says placing black children with white parents is racist; More hospitals succeed with in utero surgeries; Grizzlies and polar bears are cross-breeding in the wild; New barite dating method may upset evol...
5/17 Does the Bible Define Bishop?
French cave-dwellers emerge after 40 days; ELCA elects woman who insists she is not a woman to serve as bishop; Chaplain sues Christian school that fired him for insensitivity to gender identity and sexual orientation; Neuroscientists admit evolutionary assumptions inhibited study of cerebellum; ...