Living Waters - 2022
Tom Hanks Cusses out Fans - But Was He Wrong?
Season 3, Episode 14
Tom Hanks was recently filmed cussing out fans who pushed into his wife, nearly knocking her over. But was he wrong in doing this, or was his outburst justified? Is cussing wrong in general? Ray Comfort answers these questions, then shares the gospel with a man who does not like the God of the Bible.
Up Next in 2022: July - September
She Whispers, I'm Not Allowed to Talk...
Ray Comfort heads to Huntington Beach to share the gospel. His evangelism encounter with a man and woman is fairly normal at first, until Ray brings up the Bible. The woman gets defensive, then whispers something very interesting in the man's ear. You will enjoy these interesting evangelism encou...
This Woman Completely Stumps the Prea...
This Woman Completely Stumps the Preacher!
He Was Pro-Choice, Then This Happened…
Mark Spence hit the streets in Southern CA to test President Biden's claim that abortion is a private matter between a pregnant mother and her doctor. Mark brought Biden's claim to its logical conclusion.
Mark asked, "Imagine you are on the second floor of your apartment building and as you look...