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Up Next in 2022: October - December

  • This one Plant PRoVES God's Existence

    You will be shocked by the fascinating mechanisms of one particular plant that God created. It is so incredible, that one can't help but acknowledge the Creator's handiwork. Ray Comfort discuss this plant, and uses it as a conversation starter as he shares the gospel at a college campus.

  • Every Christian Should Try This odd T...

    Millions of people struggle with falling asleep at night. Ray Comfort knows this battle all too well. In this video, he gives some wildyet somehow effectivetips to help you fall asleep faster than you'd imagine. He then gets people's thoughts on sleep and uses it as a topic to transition into the...

  • His Friend Tried To Pull Him Away. Wa...

    often times it can challenging to witness to two individuals at the same time. What Ray Comfort did was important. He followed along with the guy who was the most interested. It is important to not neglect the other individual because the word of God will not return void. Did his friend that was ...