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6/24 Colors Beyond our Sight

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6/23 Is It Evil to Steal?

The Exodus Digital

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  • 6/24 Colors Beyond our Sight

    Maintenance crew stuffs roller coaster; Politicians insist conversion is abuse; Researchers sort 929 genomes into evolutionary model; Activists hate female author; Hummingbirds see colors humans can't; Bird feathers bend light; Nickelodeon celebrates #pride; Chemist and geologist think life came ...

  • 7/01 Rumors of War

    NASA shows ten years of sun photos in one hour video; People accumulate genetic mutations at different rates; Maloney claims religious liberty means discrimination; one-third of Americans polled think civil war is likely; Dutch court gives no penalty to doctor who murdered rebellious patient; Res...

  • 7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity

    Mad hatterpillars keep their heads; Voters want women's sports for females; Court rules states cannot exclude religious schools; Evolutionists think they think like monkeys; Professors re-examine saber-tooth marsupial teeth; Hatmakers celebrate sin-based identity; ELCA asserts anti-biblical defin...