Living Waters - 2022
Abortion Debate Pro-Lifer Vs. Pro-Choice BLM Advocate
Season 4, Episode 1
Mark Spence, a pro-life Christian and Senior Vice President of Living Waters, engages in a public debate on abortion with a pro-choice Black Lives Matter advocate. Mark then directs the conversation toward where it matters most: straight to the glorious gospel. Enjoy this unique evangelism encounter.
Up Next in 2022: October - December
Gender Is Fluid Until You Bring THIS Up
Mark Spence, the Senior Vice President of Living Waters, hits the streets to talk to people about gender, identity, abortion, and other controversial topics from a Christian worldview. You'll be fascinatedand also grievedby many of the responses you'll hear. Mark Spence then shares the gospel.
Too Many Christians Believe This Lie
Mark Spence, a Christian, has a conversation about current moral issues with two men at Huntington Beach. one of them, a professing Christian, has some interesting beliefs about these issues that Mark needed to address biblically. He then takes the conversation to the place that matters most: the...
Hollywood Will Regret Treating Satan ...
Hollywood has produced a new TV show called Little Demon,‚ which makes light of Satan, the demonic realm, and even the antichrist. This is simply shocking to say the least, but it's simply proof of how much this world loves darkness and hates the Light. In this video, Ray Comfort comments on the ...
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