Recently, Joe Biden received major backlash for claiming that our nation's children are all our children. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Jennifer Rivera, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12 ESV)
Critics shred Biden for claiming 'our nation's children are all our children': 'Absolutely wrong'
Satanic Temple's ‘Weekend of Blasphemy' Sells out in Boston
Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney Says ‘Sex Assigned at Birth' Was ‘Not What God Had in Mind'
Beetles fed on dinosaur feathers 105 million years ago
When Did Clothing originate?
Algae in Swedish lakes provide insights to how complex life on Earth developed
Slim majority of Americans now doubt that humans are responsible for climate change: poll
Up Next in 2023: April - June
Answers News for April 24, 2023
The United Nations' recent legal recommendations have received much backlash for seemingly attempting to normalize pedophilia. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jennifer Rivera, Bryan Osborne, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Answers News for April 17, 2023
Recently, United States representative Ted Lieu posted a very misleading image that is causing some people to believe 9-week-old fetuses are not human beings. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Kaia Kloster, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believi...
Answers News for April 10, 2023
If God is good, why do animals have to suffer? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Georgia Purdom, and Kaia Kloster share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created the great sea creatures ...