Defending a Young Earth with Dr. Terry Mortenson
S1E20 Dinosaurs: Science and the Bible vs Evolution P1
Season 1, Episode 20
As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands up under scrutiny) that they evolved into birds. Rather the Bible gives us the truth to know how and when they were created and why we find their bones fossilized in rock layers. The connection of the dinosaurs to the gospel is also made clear. This well illustrated presentation will help kids and adults to recognize the evolutionary brainwashing on this subject.
Up Next in Defending a Young Earth with Dr. Terry Mortenson
S1E21 Dinosaurs: Science and the Bibl...
As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...
S1E22 The Intelligent Design Movement...
Is it biblical to use intelligent design arguments to argue for the existence of God? What about the Intelligent Design Movement (IDM)? Is its strategy in opposing Darwinian evolution something that Bible-believing Christians should embrace? In this lecture Dr. Mortenson illustrates the amazing d...
S1E23 Biblical Inerrancy and the Unde...
This lecture begins by looking at several affirmations and denials in two important documents on inerrancy and hermeneutics produced by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. These statements are very relevant to the question of the controversies in the church about creation, evolution,...