Behind the Scenes with Ken Ham
S2E18 How to Play Cribbage with Ken Ham & Mr. P
Season 2, Episode 18
Join Ken Ham and Roger Patterson (Mr. P) as they discuss the new Ark-edition cribbage game and how to play cribbage. Normally the game is played with two players, but It can be adapted for three and four players with this unique 4-track cribbage board.
order the new, exclusive Ark-edition cribbage game now!
Up Next in BTS: 2021
S2E19 "Long Foretold" A Christmas Pla...
Learn about this unique children's Christmas play for churches and Christian schools. In this delightful children's program, many questions are answered as the wise men discover the truth about the bright shining star they are following.
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S2E20 Scoffers of Creation and the Flood
Creation isn't just‚ a Genesis issue! In a new book, Scoffers: Responding to Those Who Deliberately overlook Creation and the Flood, Simon Turpin, director of AiG - UK/Europe, examines 2 Peter 3 exegetically, skillfully and powerfully defending the truth of God's Word in Genesis, and our confiden...
S2E21 Creation to Babel A Commentary...
It's a commentary like no other! Ken Ham dives deep into Genesis 1 - 11 in a new family commentary, featuring answers to all the questions he's been asked over 40 years of ministry. Discover a powerful combination of apologetics, doctrine, and devotional insight to ensure the next generation unde...