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Monkeypox and God: Is It a Gay Disease‚?
223,963 viewsJul 26, 2022
Living Waters
1.13M subscribers
Is monkeypox a so-called gay disease‚? Is it a punishment from God for homosexual activity? Ray Comfort shows compelling clips and statistics regarding the monkeypox, and then shows evangelism conversations he had with two gay men.
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Derrik Suter
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Calley Burns
Calley Burns
2 weeks ago
So many diseases and unwanted pregnancies could be prevented. If people just stop sleeping around. Have some dignity and respect for yourself.
Daughter of the King 1
Daughter of the King 1
2 weeks ago
The way you shared the Gospel with these men was beautiful.
2 weeks ago
No one ever shared the gospel with me or really explained to me what Jesus' life, death, and resurrection meant for a whole 28 years of my life. Luckily someone did tell me about God and it finally all clicked years later (at 28). Looking back though, I sincerely wish someone would have stopped me during whatever I was doing and told me about Jesus. Where were all the Christians? I guess this just shows how we should not be afraid of offending others
12 days ago (edited)
Ray has such an amazing way of talking to people with genuine love and kindness. Most homosexuals have a lot to argue about when you explain it's a sin- these 2 guys were calm and didn't seem to be a bit offended by the truth- something that can rarely be spoken today without an aggravated reaction. God has blessed you Ray with a spirit of wisdom so thank you and keep up the great work for our heavenly kingdom 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
2 weeks ago
I really love these videos and Ray's efforts to win the lost. But it's very painful for me when the people he witnesses to don't recieve the Lord. For many years my husband and I used to go around many neighborhoods in our communities sharing the gospel with every type of person you could imagine. What a joyous occupation! Now we have been missionaries in Africa for many years. God bless you Ray üôè
2 weeks ago
I'm always appreciative when the guests are receptive, polite and actually give their own personal insight. These are not easy conversations to have.
2 weeks ago
I do this too at least twice every week in the market and public square in my community here in Nigeria. Thank you Ray for what you do. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless your ministry sir...
Red Faux
2 weeks ago
I left a church in Jan this year. They were becoming more and more Liberal. I noticed there was a change about 2 years ago. No more talking about sin.....
When I started asking questions with the leadership it was much, much worse than I thought. The pastor said "We'd be foolish to think there aren't men in our church who are struggling with homosexuality." I responded "Yes, especially when you never tell them it is wrong." I told them to pull my name from the membership that day. Thank God I found a gospel preaching church in just 2 weeks.
dana murphy
2 weeks ago (edited)
I wonder why alot of gay men dont admit that sexual abuse in a young man's adolescent years shaped many of them to the lifestyle. I really think many of them are being coerced into not speaking on that fact because it would give the entire movement a black eye. Study has already shown that almost 70 percent of openly gay men were victims of sexual abuse in their younger years. I do pray for the ones who suffered from that get healing.
God's Child
2 weeks ago
This is the best witness to the gay community that I've ever heard. Thank you so much. I will definitely study it. God Bless you.
Besser Glauben
2 weeks ago
I really like to see when people are open to the message!
May God guide them to the truthüôè
Anne Murphy
2 weeks ago
I recall in the 80's, AIDS began exclusively in that community, but then it spread into society and became everyone's problem. I think we can see the writing on the wall with this as well.
Pat Baldwin
2 weeks ago
This made me so sad because I can only pray that these 2 men come to know Christ as their Savior. I have a very dear friend who is gay and I pray for her every day . Thank you Ray for all that you do .
2 weeks ago
"I grew up in a Christian home."
I'm praying for this man right now.
7-27-2022 3:51 p.m.
2 weeks ago
Excellent witness Ray. I wept...as I truly thanked GoD for saving me in 1976, by HIS grace alone...and I prayed for these 2 men. May God continue to bless this ministry and you also Ray, here on Earth and throughout eternity.
2 weeks ago
Such a skilled evangelist! Keep going! People will open their eyes and their hearts! ‚ √π¬ß√î‚àè√®
Michelle Siegmund
2 weeks ago
I am really grateful for these training videos. I am a ride share driver and these equip me to discuss these things with respect and love to others, in these lifestyles or not. But also gives me an urgency to sincerely love and care for others. Which is our purpose and call, our commandment from Jesus.
I love the ability to have a caring conversation and not trying to win an argument.
Yeshua My Redeemer
9 days ago
I really like how you brought up the action of sin, with out being rude or hateful. Thank you brother.
2 weeks ago
What a kind and loving way you shared the Gospel. God bless you Ray.
Warrior of Christ
2 weeks ago
I hate the sin not the sinner ... but it's also important to tell them the truth even if it hurts
Is monkeypox a so-called gay disease‚? Is it a punishment from God for homosexual activity? Ray Comfort shows compelling clips and statistics regarding the monkeypox, and then shows evangelism conversations he had with two gay men.
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