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Lily's Lab

S1E4 Does Genesis 1:1-2 Refer to the First Day?

Season 1, Episode 4

Up Next in Season 1

  • S1E5 When God Created the Earth Were ...

    Today's question comes from Chris, age 11. When God created the earth were the trees fully grown? If they were fully grown, did they have growth rings?

    on day three, God created the trees and other forms of vegetation to sprout, grow and bear fruit. In this episode, Lily calls on Dr. Andrew Sne...

  • S1E6 Why Did God Make a Week Seven Da...

    Today's question comes from Caleb, age 6. Why did God make a week seven days long?

    In six days, God created heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; and rested on the seventh day. So, why seven days? Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible...

  • S1E7 Why Did God Let Adam Name the An...

    Today's question comes from Caleb, age 11. Why did God let Adam name the animals? Why didn't He name them Himself?

    God is big and powerful and could have easily named all the animals. What special thing was God doing for Adam? Join Lily as she researches the answer to these questions using the ...