Episode 8
Friends First - A Lesson About Contentment
Melissa is saving her pennies for a new bubble toy. Melissa let's Susie use the toy and it's accidently broken. Both girls learn friendship is more important than toys.
Philippians 4:11,13
Safety First - A Lesson About obedience
David disobeys and doesn't wear his helmet and mouth guard in a go-cart race. He is badly hurt as he crashes into Mandy's go-cart. David learns that obedience is important for many reasons.
Ephesians 6:1-3
Up Next in Season 1
Sea Kids - Grace & Courage (Episode 9)
Episode 9
Grudge or Grace - A Lesson About Grace
June holds a grudge against her friends. After hearing God's word about letting go of anger, she apologizes to her friends and they apologize for not including her in their class group.
Ephesians 4:31Faith over Fear - A Lesson About Courage
Cart... -
Sea Kids - Listening & Truthfulness (...
Episode 10
The Color of Attention - A Lesson About Listening
Melissa has a problem paying attention. She prays to Jesus to help her pay attention, to listen, and to obey the rules.
Proverbs 15:32once Lost, Now Found - A Lesson About Truthfulness
David takes a ball that belongs to Christian. Af... -
Sea Kids - Worrying & Patience (Episo...
Episode 11
The Worrier - A Lesson About Worrying
Coach Crab is a worrier and when bad weather threatens to derail his tournament, he loses sleep. The Sea Kids pray to Jesus and prayers are answered as the tournament is very successful.
Philippians 4:6Stop and Smell the Patience - A Lesson Abou...
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