Living Waters - 2022
Watch This Atheist Change Her Mind In Two Minutes
Season 4, Episode 16
As Ray Comfort talks to this college student she claims she's an Atheist. Through some common reasoning, Ray shows her how foolish atheism truly is. The fact that they believe the unscientific thing is that nothing created everything is absurd thinking. She quickly sees how incorrect her line of thinking is and she begins to soften her heart to the truth. You can see how the gospel made her realize how important Ray's words are. Watch her response to the encounter.
Up Next in 2022: October - December
Is This Where God Definitely Sinned?
Is This Where God Definitely Sinned?
Satan Does This RIGHT When I Get to t...
over the years, Ray Comfort has witnessed the devil do something very often when he's out evangelizing, and this video is a clear example of it taking place. But we shouldn't be surprised, because the Bible actually tells us that this would happen.
Watch His Wife's Amazing Reaction
Ray Comfort talks with a man named Angel and shares the gospel with him. Near the end, Angel ends up being very receptive to the message, causing his wife, listening from behind, to give a very heartwarming reaction. Sharing the gospel has its challenges, but today was the fruit of Angel's wife's...