Debunking Evolution: What Everyone Should Know
Join study partners, John and Jane as they explore the challenges to the evolutionary theory and why the Bible makes the most sense of the scientific evidence. An essential video for Christian students attending Junior High to College. Most public schools teach evolution theory as fact, taking a serious toll on the faith of many unprepared Christians. Yet, the straight-forward account in Genesis provides the true history of Creation, often making more sense of the evidence. Through the fun conversations of the actors, this program provides solid answers about creation, evolution, the fossil record, extinction, adaptation, natural selection, common ancestors, branching and homologous, and human evolution.
Note: We are thrilled to partner with like-minded ministries to bring you a variety of faith-building content. Please be aware there may be some denominational views expressed that do not necessarily reflect the non-denominational stand of Answers In Genesis.
Debunking Evolution: What Every Christian Student Should Know
Join study partners, John and Jane as they explore the challenges to the evolutionary theory and why the Bible makes the most sense of the scientific evidence. An essential video for Christian students attending Junior High to College. Most public schools teach evolution theory as fact, taking a ...
1/03 Lab-Grown Diamonds on the Rise
Lab-grown diamonds on the rise; incredible trove of dinosaur footprints unearthed in the UK; a look at the Little Foot‚ hominid; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
1/06 A Woman Has a Baby
Unscrambling headlines; a woman has a baby; abortion deaths; fossil bugs had brains; climate alarmist scares kids; puffins use sticks . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
10/11 Ireland May Legalize Abortion
Ireland may legalize abortion, traces hint at lost Indian civilization, Canadian profs bully student after mentioning abortion, gene drive wipes out mosquitoes in the lab, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
10/14 Tyrants oppose Christian Parents
New species repopulate; Father takes stand on panic; Authors prepare to deceive children; China intensifies religious persecution; Scientists quibble over math; Researchers discover that humans are different; Smelly rock lands at museum; Richard Dawkins supports religion . . . and more during tod...
10/21 Did a Smelly Rock Bring Life to Earth?
Kipchoge runs fastest marathon; Professor declares Spongebob evil; Researchers tell hobbit stories about monkey bones; Smelly rock lands at museum; Dawkins supports religion; Scientists use gene therapy to cure cervical cancer in mice; Divorced mother insists ex-husband is "unstable" for opposing...
11/11 Broken Evolutionary Model Revised Again
Ideological purge; Population reduction; Evolution revised; Criminal murder; Universal crisis; Neandertal jewelry: Mass extinction . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
12/02 Ross' Tiny Flood
Turkey chases the mail; Ross' tiny flood; Google forces opinions; Canadian church declines; Scientists find sugar; Host attacks Christians . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
12/09 Frozen Puppy Was A Dog
Sagan endorses spirituality; Behar labels Christians; NYT blames falling birthrates on capitalism; Dogor was a canine; Stars throwing comets; Freedom wins another battle; Designed to do what they do . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
12/16 Lighting the Darkness
Electric eel celebrates the season; Freedom wins in Kentucky; CT scans of dinosaur jaw bones show unerupted teeth; Professor tells Christian colleges to conform; Printers embed DNA in 3D bunnies . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
2/03 Wading Thunder Lizards
A teacher gets creative; Earth's history may be rewritten...again; Dinosaurs thought to hand-stand; Franklin Graham discriminated against; Butterfly wings found to be complex; Rapid evolution not so evolutionary; Brazil promotes creationist; Babies feel pain . . . and more during today's episode ...
2/04 Rain on Saturn
Disney hosts LGBT event; rain from Saturn's rings; bugs as pet food; wild stork breeding reported as contamination; Democrats try to delete God, but fear public ... and more in this week's episode of Answers News with Avery Foley, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Bryan Osborne hosted at the Creation Muse...
2/11 Evolution Weekend
Why men order meat; Planned Parenthood promotes transgenderism; clergy advocating for evolution; scientists skeptical about Darwinian evolution; millennial Christians oppose evangelism; twisted Milky Way and more ... in today's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a l...
2/25 Adopting Embryos
Canadians brave fire for root-beer; Firefall at Yosemite; More couples adopting frozen embryos; Transgender intolerance for lesbian activist; and more in today's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
2/28 Adieu Maman et Papa
oxford recommends sleeping in; Canadian atheists play church; French socialists erase 'mother' and 'father'; More oumuamua fantasies; Freedom From Religion Foundation in Portland admits atheism is a religion - and more in today's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a...
3/02 Scientists Accidentally See They Were Wrong
Scientists question Neanderthal humanity; Researchers confused by 10-celled animal; Lawmakers fail to protect babies; Teachers support X-rated indoctrination; Professor builds a pure diamond; Cosmochemist revises Earth's timeline; Judge discriminates against professor . . . and more during today'...
3/04 Lost in the Ruins
Being a girl in public; Freedom From Religion admits atheism is a religion; Professor claims evolution is conscious; Methodists struggle over biblical sexuality; Injecting children with gender hormones - and more in today's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live ...
3/09 Cartilage In Fossils?
Birds ground plane; Earth was covered in water; Researchers discover marsupial lion; School officials remove Bible; Lawmakers ban boys in girl's sports; Scientists find more evidence for young Earth; Supreme Court to hear case on abortion; Franklin Graham fights discrimination . . . and more duri...
3/14 To Please Angry gods‚
Did primitive cultures worry about pleasing vengeful gods? Church of Norway apologizes for previously being Biblical, Worm underground superhighway discovered, Megalodon honed sharp teeth and more...
3/16 In God We Trust
Love makes fearful people brave; Graham team challenges discrimination; Washington lawmakers force sex indoctrination; Evolutionists see evolution everywhere; Canadian Liberals criminalizing repentance; Totani expects aliens . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live fr...
3/21 Killer Cousins
Photographer adds movie quote to make koala go viral; Policeman rescues teddy bear; Whale experts confirm fishermen's reports; Mums Make Porn on Britain's Channel 4; Trump's military recognizes male and female; Seattle church resists abortion law; Scientists inject mammoth nuclei into mouse egg c...
3/22 Bible Belt Abortion Storytellying Tour and other News
"Bible Belt Abortion Storytelling Tour," aliens, Scott Kelly space genes, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
4/01 Be Fruitful and Multiply
Couple accidentally buys decrepit old mansion; UK denies asylum to Iranian Christian because Christianity is "violent"; Ancient humans used monkey bones as tools; Poisonous gas indicates alien life; Confused adults seek parenthood-indecision therapists . . . and more in today's episode of Answers...
4/05 oldest Human Footprints in North America and other News
oldest human footprints in North America suggest "early entrance" into Americas, dinosaur tracks on Skye "globally important," judge to North Carolina prisons: humanism is a faith group, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
4/06 Not By Bread Alone
Astrophysicist magnetizes his face; Bakers make dough on virus; Paleontologist claims to find fish fingers; Cambridge Ph.D. student "proves" Darwin using Biblical kinds; British approve home abortions; Court sentences Argentinian doctor for refusing to abort baby; de Blasio pressures NYC churches...
4/11 The Lord God Brought Her to the Man
Indian squirrels go viral; Soft childhood food may lead to impacted wisdom teeth; Activist who redefined marriage now wants options; Wheaton profs release evolutionary creationism text about God's two books; Cognitive biologists study a few cats; Professors speculate about origin of RNA and DNA; ...
4/12 Jesus Was Drag King Claims Theology Professor and other News
Jesus was 'drag king' claims theology professor, atheists find meaning in life by inventing fairy tales, a 2nd 'Big Bang' could end our universe in an instant, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
4/13 Wake Up Call
Residents jury rig pizza elevator; Deer wander streets of Calgary; Americans sense opportunity to repent; Americans buy more Bibles; Paleontologist earn money by changing their story... often; Climate alarmists leverage Covid-19; Activist arrested at field hospital; Eight activists arrested outsi...
4/15 New Human Species Found
Deaf frogs glow; Professor says UFos come from future; Yale Law discriminates against minority viewpoint in the name of tolerance; Filipino cave bones challenge out-of-Africa dogma . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Creation Museum.
4/18 When to Use the Bible
Pro-infanticide, but anti-animal cruelty, When to use the Bible, Billboard promotes murder, redefining historical figures, a many-armed sea monster . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast from the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham and Dr. Georgia Purdom.
4/20 Sir! Yes, sir!
Flaming vicar; Volcanic Mars; Buried rainforest; Neutered soldiers; Boastful governors; Productive neanderthalsÉ and more during todayÕs broadcast of Answers News.
4/22 Catastrophic Volcanoes
German lab techs test teeth and prove lab's founder was wrong about human ancestors; Israeli professors publish theory linking neanderthals and woolly mammoths; Lecturer in cognitive science looks at wasps to explain human will; Chimps feel animals are people too; Cincinnati professors say mercur...
5/02 The oldest South American Footprint
United Methodists near split, Kneebone makes comeback, People go on "birth strikes", out of Africa theory of origins challenged, and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
7/18 Consider the Lillies
Tyrannosaurs race; Attenborough urges climate of population control; Reefs move; Lily fossil looks familiar . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
5/16 Baby=Human=Person
Robertson denies 6,000 year old universe; Nye says killer asteroid is coming; Aussie bureaucrats find Mother's Day offensive; Meteorite used to tell stardust stories; Supreme Court case over men's clothing; Quinn insists babies in utero are not human . . . and more during today's episode of Answe...
5/21 Promoting Transgenderism to Children and other News
Promoting transgenderism to children, archaeologists uncover stunning find to help shed light on the dawn of mankind, the first spider to jump on demand, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
5/23 Hawaiian Birds Evolve Fast
Chilean lawmakers consider legalizing teen suicide; Hawaiian birds trick evolutionists into conceding rapid speciation; US birth rates hit record low; ontario rules Christian doctors must offer abortions and euthanasia . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the C...
6/03 Billion-Year-old Fungus?
Raccoon dog terrorizes village; First photo of white panda; Graduate student speculates about microfossil; Naturalists misinterpret Flood debris rafts; Gucci fashion show features abortion; Researchers use ribosome profiling to discover mini-proteins in our hearts; Senolytics removes old cells to...
6/13 Dead Fish Mystery Solved
Godzilla evolves; Frogs need elephants; Brisbane Catholics misgender God; opal miner's children donate fossils; Dead fish mystery solved; Toronto pastor arrested for street preaching; Miley sells $175 hoodies to support infanticide . . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcas...
6/20 God's Handiwork: Complex Fungi
Woods road-trip will break record; CBC indoctrinates children; Plants trade resources with fungi; Researcher publish just-so stories about broken rocks and ancient man; PTA president performs in drag at primary school; Evolutionists change cell origin story again . . . . and more during today's e...
6/24 Destroying Beauty
Scientist mistakes dog breeding for evolution; Writer uses Noah's Ark headline to market sea urchin research; Medical business recommends cheap abortion instead of expensive spinal surgery; Candidate wants to keep pro-life people out of government; Professor Trapp proposes "relatively simple" way...
6/25 The Religion of Atheism and more!
Atheism is the fastest growing religion, and a study finds religious people live four years longer than atheists; world's oldest rain forest frogs found in amber; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
6/27 Opposites Attract?!?
Corsican cat-fox is a cat; Pakistani politician is not a cat; Dead woman kills dog; Authors insist male/female attraction is dehumanizing; Science editor thinks smartphone users look down more than book readers; Drag queen teaches church kids; Bacteria more complicated than evolutionists expected...
6/28 Hillsong United, Lyrics, and Evolution (Houston, We Have a Problem)
Hillsong United, lyrics, and evolution; being transgender no longer a mental disorder; Canadian Judge recognizes two men in polyamorous relationship with woman as parents of child, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
7/01 Attack of the Fluid Tomatoes
Stripes keep zebras cool; Test shows variations within bear kind; Redlichia rex was a big trilobite; Dungowan bush tomato refuses to comment on gender debate; Narwhals and belugas together again; Breast-feeding bacteria benefit babies . . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broad...
7/05 Science, Spirituality, and Secular Humanism
Richard Dawkins on abortion; gay swans; churchgoers stick around for theology, not music and preachers; and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
7/11 Mammals and Dinosaurs Together?
Mammals thrived with dinosaurs; Cat survives wash cycle; Library cancels LGBTQ prom; Librarians lead children into sin; octopi think with their arms; Maryland punishes school over beliefs; Ancient crocodiles discovered to eat plants; Humans are the only fat primates . . . . and more during today'...
7/12 Are Humans Alone in the Universe?
Life on a Saturn moon, Christians apologize to LGBT, proof our ancestors could scamper up trees, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
7/15 My Beloved is Mine
Fat primate stories; Sleepy zebrafish stories; Evolution for moody teenagers; Plants have no feelings; Pro-death threats; Psychologists redefine marriage (again) . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
7/23 Pedophilia a Natural Sexual orientation and other News
TEDx Speaker Says Pedophilia is a Natural Sexual orientation, ACLU abdicates its role in defending civil liberties, ancient armor of fish, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
7/30 Is the Bible Still Relevant?
Lake found on Mars, ohio restaurant cancels Sunday church discount after outrage from secular organization, microbes were living on land as early as 3.22 billion years ago, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
8/02 Chick-fil-A and LGBTQ
Chick-fil-A &; LGBTQ protests, Air Force base replaces Bible with generic 'book of faith,' 'Supergirl' casts first transgender superhero on television, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
8/05 Darwin Cannot Explain
Professors swallowing evolution; Experts defining satire as fake news; Activists finding less support for LGBTQIA+; Scientists measuring moon rocks change their story - again; Dragon DNA astounding researchers; Professor giving up Darwin . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News broad...
8/12 Life Without Purpose?
Scientists replace old assumptions with new assumptions; California chooses politically correct indoctrination; Prince Harry fears overpopulation; British youth fail to live their best life‚; PhD forces human/monkey hybrid; Hollywood portrays abortion . . . and more during today's episode of Answ...
8/19 Sandy Foundations
Hollywood portrays abortion; Scientists worry about accidental moon invasion; Ancient eyes match modern eyes; Hillsong worship leader renounces faith; Skillet lead singer calls church back to solid foundations; Giant penguin discovered; Squirrels stump scientists; Artificial intelligence tests ev...
9/13 Replacing Darwin
Scientists debate new book Replacing Darwin, shark eats plants as a side dish to shellfish, Brown Univ. pulls plug on gender dysphoria study, ACLU of KY prepares to fight back against religion in schools, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a ...
9/16 Whoever causes‚
Amazon bans books; Pedophilia is coming; Mass extinction (again); Aliens; Popular book deceives children; Young mother murders child; Humans are related to . . . humans; Geese suited for migration . . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
9/24 Marijuana for Lobsters
Maine restaurant gets lobsters high on marijuana before killing them, protecting babies from abortion is Un-Christian,‚ the truth about Bert and Ernie's relationship, and more in this week's episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
03/14 Young Adults Are Abandoning God In Droves: Christians Respond
In a recent survey done on young adults, almost half of them preferred socialism to capitalism, 90% of them said they were mixing different parts of multiple religions together so as not to be intolerant,‚ and only 28% believed the Bible was the Word of God.
In this Answers News broadcast, Patri...
7/19 - Will the Moon Flood the Earth?
Paratrooper survives 15,000 foot fall; Skeptic promotes museums; Burge charts answers people gave to questions about God; Eugenics resurfaces in California designer baby business; Somone plans to release pregnant man emojis; NASA report on moon's 18.6-year tide cycle now includes climate fears . ...
S1E1 Freakshow: Evolution in Entertainment
In the 1800s and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement for attendees. But there was a dark side to many- specifically- the sadly misnamed freak show. Most exhibited were the unfortunate victims of medical conditions that lead to de-humanizing exploitation- the most negativel...
S1E10 The Genesis Account: Noah the Evangelist
Noah the Evangelist. Scripture says that the Patriarch Noah was not just a ship builder, but a preacher of righteousness. And his message is the same now as it was then.
S1E4 The Genesis Account: Where is the physical evidence for Noah's Flood?
Some have declared that there is absolutely no evidence of a global flood on earth, while others contend it's all around us. How can there be such a divide on the issue, even among Bible believers? Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.
S1E7 The Genesis Account: How many individual animals were on board?
How many individual animals were on board? Having examined what the biblical kinds' of animals the Bible refers to that were aboard Noah's Ark, we now explore how many were there onboard, how could they possibly all fit on board, and how could only 8 people possibly care for all of them? Explore...
S2E2 Defining Genesis
Defining Genesis. The original Webster's Dictionary shows belief in a literal Genesis was commonplace before long ages and Darwinism.
S2E3 The Tireless Dragon of old
The Bible describes a centuries-old serpent dedicated to the systematic, eternal destruction of every man, woman and child that's ever been born. Trying to avoid the schemes of the Tireless Dragon of old won't work. Rather, believers need to understand his main attack, how it manifests itself tod...
S3E12 Jesus & Genesis-What the New Testament says about creation with Dr. Burlet
Jesus and Genesis - What the New Testament says about creation. Many people mistakenly think that the issue of creation, the Flood, where the different people groups came from and the age of the earth only involve the interpretation of Genesis 1 - 11. It's important to remember that the teaching ...
S3E4 How Genesis relates to a life & death issue! Guest Hannah Salamon-Vegh
Calvin Smith discusses with special guest and pro-life activist Hannah Salamon-Vegh the cultural implications of a society that has abandoned Genesis as it's foundation and its impact on life and death issues facing the church and culture in Canada.
S4E4 Fascinating Fossils
Fascinating fossils tell us about biblical authority and how to use them in Gospel conversation.
S7E48 Why creation relates to the message of the Cross- My testimony
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses his own testimony and why the topic of ultimate origins and the creation account in Genesis relates to the message of the Cross.
Last Flight out Trailer
Last Flight out delves into important truths about family, friendship, and responsibility. The movie shows the virtues of hard work, forgiveness, and sacrificial love. What an important message for our society - and our families - to hear! A new faith-inspiring film that will take your breath awa...
For Pete's Sake! Trailer
on a damp, gray Sunday afternoon, thousands of people gather in a Denver, Colorado, stadium. Quietly, they listen to evangelist Billy Graham talk about God's love for them. Moved by the message, the Harper family - like so many others - finds themselves going forward. What then?
This is the touc...
Milltown Pride - Trailer
Milltown Pride is about a young man's determination to become a professional baseball player and his rise to prominence in a mill baseball league in 1920's South Carolina. As Will rises to fame, how much will he risk for his chance at the big leagues? And when you hit rock bottom, is there a way ...
In God We Trust? by the Foto Sisters & Steve Thomson
"In God We Trust?" Do we really? This song*, we believe, answers the question, "Why is America falling apart?"
(*This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive list of US events, but a simple picture of our country's course away from God.)
Words & Music: Steve Thomson
... -
Genesis Impact Trailer
Secular museum docent (Reggie McGuire) presents his best case for evolution at the natural history museum, but little does he know that Christina (Hannah Bradley) has a few questions at the end of his talk that turn the tables Christina's questions dismantle evolution and her meek yet powerful pr...
Trailer: Debunking Evolution
Join study partners, John and Jane as they explore the challenges to the evolutionary theory and why the Bible makes the most sense of the scientific evidence. An essential video for Christian students attending Junior High to College. Most public schools teach evolution theory as fact, taking a ...
Trailer: Debunking The 7 Myths
Secular collegesand even many Christian collegesteach that the Bible is not real history, especially Genesis 1 - 11. Today's students want to know: When does the truth start in the Bible? on the first page? How many pages need to be flipped until truth begins? These 7 videos review the evidence t...
GENESIS: Paradise Lost Trailer - Long
With cutting-edge cinematography, "GENESIS: Paradise Lost" brings the creation of the universe to life! Using stunning visual effects, epic orchestration, and the latest scientific and historical research, this film explores the context of the highly studied and hotly-debated book of Genesis. Viv...
GENESIS: Paradise Lost Trailer (Espanol)
Con cinematografa de vanguardia, "GENESIS: Paradise Lost" da vida a la creacion del universo. Con impresionantes efectos visuales, una orquestacion epica y las ‚àö‚à´ltimas investigaciones cientficas e historicas, esta pelcula explora el contexto del muy estudiado y debatido libro de Genesis. Ani...
S1E1 A Gospel Conversation Turns Creepy
A Gospel Conversation Turns Creepy
Untethered Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Meet the Untethered Generation
"The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?
Untethered Chapter 2
Chapter 2: our Broken Brains
"The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?
""Untethered"" ...
Untethered Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Get em Saved
"The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?
""Untethered"" dare...
Untethered Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Get em Sanctified
"The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?
Untethered Chapter 5
Chapter 5: Get em to Submit
"The odds are stacked against you, Mom and Dad. Statistics claim that a whopping 60 to 80 percent of evangelical kids will backslide.‚ Even in the Bible Belt. What is going on? Why are Christian losses growing while Christian converts are decreasing?
""Untethered"" ...
Amazing Atheist Trailer
Atheists cannot discuss anything without borrowing from the Christian worldview. See their inconsistencies and struggles as they attempt to justify their blind faith.
Audacity - Trailer
Peter is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn't Peter's only fear. When confronted with one of today's most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana to defend his convictions a...
Pedro (Travis owens) quien aspira a ser comediante, es animado por su amigo Ben a actuar en el club de comediantes local. Pero los nervios para la actuar no son sus ‚àö‚à´nicos temores. Cuando fue confrontado con uno de los temas que causan m‚àös division en la actualidad, se siente obligado a ac...
Evolution vs. God Trailer
Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities. A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteriaall under the microscope of the Scientific...
EXIT - Trailer
"Before you finish reading this, one individual will have ended their life by suicidebecause they think they have no other choice. According to the World Health organization, a massive 800,000 people take their lives every yearone death every 40 seconds. That's 3,000 a day. For millions who suffe...
GENIUS is a chilling movie based on the life and tragic murder of John Lennon. It's chilling because it reveals what people will do for money. There are ordinary people out there who would kill you. All they need is the right amount of money and the belief that they won't get caught.
LA ILUSI‚oN ATEA - Trailer
Tener que probar la existencia de Dios a un ateo, es como tener que probar la existencia del sol en un da despejado. Pero aun as millones est‚àön abrazando la idea del atesmo. La Ilusion Atea‚ abre la cortina y revela lo que est‚àö pasando por la mente de aquellos que niegan lo que es obvio. Te p...
Noah Trailer
In the time of Noah, people were going about their daily lives, not mindful of the impending destruction. Like them, are we ignoring warnings of God's coming judgment? The Bible gives us clear signs of the last days. Did you know the Scriptures say we will see:
- Flippant use of God's name
- Mon... -
Pandemic Trailer
When Tom Hanks and his wife tested positive for the Coronavirus, it put a face on the disease. Ironically, in his latest movie, in the midst of war his character asked God for protection from an unseen enemy. Little did he know as he and his wife casually walked the shores of the famed Bondi Beac...
The Atheist Delusion Trailer
"Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism. The Atheist Delusion‚ pulls back the curtain and reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny the obvious....
The Fool Trailer
What do you do when the world's most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism's celebrity idiot?
You look to the Scriptures and take consolation in how Joseph was humiliated before...
180 Trailer
"180" has been called 33 minutes of adrenaline video, fascinating, shocking, and an experience that will shake your world. It is an evangelistic video that carries a message in favor of life, in which you will see how eight people who consider themselves pro-abortion change their opinion in a mat...
7 Reasons Trailer
Is it okay to abort a baby? What would you say? People give many reasons why abortion is an acceptable choice, including:
- The inconvenience of pregnancy
- Incompetence of parents
- Infant disabilities
- It's the woman's body
- It's not a baby
- Rape or incest
- She's not ready to be a parent...
Full Length Trailer - The Exodus Digital
A debate rages over the credibility of the Bible. Most archaeologists today have concluded that there's no evidence that the Exodus of Israelite slaves from Egypt ever happened. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney faces a crisis of faith, Is this foundational event of the Bible really just a myth?‚ He emba...
Full Length Trailer - The Moses Controversy
Did Moses write the first books of the Bible? Many mainstream scholars say No! But the Bible states YES! Award-winning filmmaker Timothy Mahoney (Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus) is back again, bringing new evidence to light in the latest documentary: Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy...
Full Length Trailer - The Red Sea Miracle
Full Length Trailer - The Red Sea Miracle
Full Length Trailer - The Red Sea Miracle 2
5/12 Should Skin Tone Limit Adoption?
Four boys, five girls, and new mother, Halima Cisse, are doing well; Large US adoption agency says placing black children with white parents is racist; More hospitals succeed with in utero surgeries; Grizzlies and polar bears are cross-breeding in the wild; New barite dating method may upset evol...
Young Explorers Season 1 Trailer
Live Refreshed - Intro Promo
The Newest Title from "The Swan" is "Live Refreshed!"
Through It All: The Baker Family
The Baker Family sings "Through It All".
"Trust in Him at all times, o people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us."
Psalm 62:8 -
Amazing! (Gracie Live)
Gracie streams to her friends.
03/07 Christian Doctors FORCED to offer Assisted Suicide Resources
New California regulations face backlash! Doctors who object assisted suicide are being forced to refer patients to a physician who is willing to provide the treatment. In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts give a biblical perspective on the matter.
The objecting physician would have to educ...
1/03 Is the Multiverse Idea Scientific?
Young buck attacks Christmas decorations; Fewer Americans trust the Salvation Army after they publish a racism guide; oxford adds racial score requirement before granting research funds; Researcher challenges EDI rule in Canada; Evolutionary microbiologists try to solve LUCA's chicken or egg prob...
1/04 Are Animals People?
Thai researcher converts feathers into food; School district pays $187K to atheists harmed by graduation prayer; Botanists declare Madagascar flower is ugliest orchid; Appeals court rejects Nonhuman Rights Project lawsuit; NY Times promotes paganized Messiah; New UK Police program allows people t...
10/19 Conversion Therapy Bans‚ Attack Christian Teaching
Mission Aviation Fellowship delivers 2,500 Bibles to former missionary murderers; Texas indicts Netflix over Cuties" film; Satanic Temple sues ad company for abortion ritual free speech; Pastor claims earth is a disposable planet; Merriam-Webster dictionary changes definition of "sexual preferenc...
1/05 Did Giant Bugs Rule the Earth?
Materialists think we stick our tongues out because of chemistry; Researchers tweak jellyfish genes so that nerve cells light up; Kenyan fossil hunter Richard Leakey dies; Cambridge team speculates about giant millipede fossil found in 2018; NASA program pays religious leaders to consider aliens ...
1/06 How old Is old Ice?
Divers record octopus punching fish; Scientists reinforce each other's assumptions about mummified wolf pup; Botanists find unknown plant in Hawaii; Dogma drives quest for and interpretation of ancient ice; Massachusetts Democrats override pro-choice Governor's veto so that 16 year-old girls can ...
1/10 Trapped by TikTok
Study reports benefits of cofee and chocolate; Watch dog group documents TikTok leading kids into gender denying surgeries; ELCA pastor preaches in drag; Evolutionists estimate time required for ichthyosaurs to get so big; Archaeogeneticists sample DNA from exhumed bodies for insights into histor...
1/11 Will Utopians Build Equiterra?
Australians play in snake-infested sea foam; Pennsylvania Health Department publishes guidelines for sinning; Evolutionists try another way to accidentally produce life from chemistry; Paleoanthropologists resist evidence that Neanderthals were human; True-believers want to re-classify minerals a...
1/13 Should Meeting Be Criminal?
Livescience lists medical oddities from 2020; "Awoman" congressman prayed to Brahma; Democrats continue using the words their new rules prohibit; Geneticists find identical twins may not have identical DNA; Astrophysicists continue to debate the age of the universe; Scottish politicians issue mo...
1/18 What Makes a Platypus?
Unfamiliar creatures from hidden corners of creation; UK activists wants national database of race offenders; University of Florida Anthropology Department excludes students based on skin color; Biologists map a platypus genome, then assume evolution made it; Chemists hope diamidophosphate (DAP) ...
1/19 Atheists Predict a Cold End
Bee stings the Ark and Christian unity over baptism; Big Bang believers bemoan the end of the universe; Twitter suspends man for saying men are men; British tribunal rules against bureaucrats who harassed cross-wearing nurse; Baltimore surgeons transplant genetically modified pig heart into sick ...
1/20 Do Sliced Fossils Help Evolution?
Man trains fish to play soccer; Vegas school suspends senior who objects to being labeled as a oppressor; Evolutionists slice Namacalathus fossils hoping to solve the Cambrian explosion; Museums compare scans of wolf and Tasmanian tiger skulls; NY Times argues lockdowns help reach Paris climate g...
1/24 American opinions on Church
New Zealand doctor removes cockroach from man's ear; California AG says murder charges shouldn't apply; WHo data shows leading cause of death worldwide; For clicks, media call a bovine a unicorn; Researchers develop vacuum method for tracking eDNA; Alberta university fires feminist professor who ...
1/25 Does Science Produce Liberty?
Toronto blogger records knife-wielding squirrel; The Human Rights Campaign wants Christian colleges to comply; Evolutionists speculate about dinosaur behavior based on burial location; 4,761 Christians known to be martyred in 2020; Conservationists plan to implant embryos in white rhinos; Biologi...
10/04 Did Crocodiles Eat Plants?
Danish man claims theft was art; Reaseachers pull wings off of flys and take photographs in effort to understand evolution; U.S. District judge rules against a Catholic school that taught some subjects were secular and others religious; Doctoral students examining replica teeth determine ancient ...
10/06 Did 3D Scans Find Noah's Ark?
Boston owner sells skinny house; Scans put Turkish Durupinar formation back into the headlines; Western Washington University segregates students based on skin color; Evolutionists argue about meaning of human footprints fossilized in New Mexico; William Lane Craig endorses old mytho-history here...
10/07 Shall We Imitate Frogs?
Gucci sells dress for men; Cornell biologists study unusual frog breeding habits; California politicians legislate male prisoners into women's prisons; Church of Iceland reimagines Jesus as transgender; Archaeologists find human footprint fossils that don't fit their evolutionary assumptions; Ame...
10/11 Man Becomes Sportswoman of the Year
Squirrel hid 175 pounds of nuts in Chevy Avalanche pickup while owner was away, Fox news host Ainsley Earhardt launches series Beyond and Back' to show proof of Heaven', researchers explore what drives animal infanticide, transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard named Sportswoman of the Year, Ca...
10/12 Whose Words Win?
Earl voted fattest bear in Katmai; Another judge rules in favor of Christian adoption; Clinton says youth leave judgmental, alienating churches; Researchers examine museum collections and find evidence that contradicts popular adaptive radiation theory; Zurich evolutionists admit to rapid plant s...
10/18 Big Tech Threatens Climate Change Deniers‚?
ontario woman wakes up to meteorite on her pillow, YouTube &; Google decide to stop monetization of so-called "climate change deniers," Superman now bisexual, dinosaur shrimp' emerge after Arizona monsoon, Lego to remove gender stereotypes from toys, the odds we are living in a computer simulati...
10/25 Who Says We Can Make a Universe?
Raven attacks coffee drone; Harvard astronomy chair continues to assert absurdities; Chinese researchers publish giant scorpion fossil Terropterus xiushanensis; Father details how LGBTQIA+ therapists harmed his son . . . and other stories reviewed during this october 25, 2021, broadcast of Answer...
10/26 Venus Headlines
People produce pink pineapples; Planned Parenthood leaks racism; Astronomers contradict media stories about life on Venus; Pope says God makes people gay and governments should legalize gay families; Wikipedia forbids editors from advocating Christian marriage; Biologists study beetle exoskeleton...
10/28 Isolated Teen Disciples
Masked intruders break into bank to steal cookies; Pollster concerned pandemic is accelerating young people's disconnect from church; Headline asks if Jesus was a magician though article admits he was not; Smithsonian views imaginary past through lens of climate change; Musicians worship abortion...
11/03 Do DNA Tangles Rescue Evolution?
Four-year-old boy falls 70 feet during hike in Kentucky; Twix promotes witches, cross-dressing . . . and murder?; Doritos promotes talking to the dead and homosexual behavior; Crab found trapped inside amber; Atheists hope DNA tangles will evolve new information. . . . and other stories reviewed ...
11/04 Dino-Bird Dead End
Pufferfish sculpt the seafloor, atheists credit evolution; Cuyahoga County lawyers settle with Covenant Weddings to avoid lawsuit; Chinese communists enforce laws against online Bible sales; Canadian Bill 213 insists every person authorized to solemnize marriage must comply with ontario governmen...
11/08 Who Twists God's Word for Abortion?
World media cover big TikTok snake video; Feminist religious leaders re-translate one verse and ignore the rest of Scripture . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 8, 2021, broadcast of Answers News.
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For the time is coming when people will not endure sound t... -
11/09 Just Like Us - Neanderthal Children
After 14 sons, Schwandt family welcomes first daughter; oncologists discover hidden glands in the top of our throats; Scans of three baby teeth show more similarities between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens; Bachelor adopt five siblings; Evolutionists celebrate the social meaning they created for m...
11/11 Leading Which Way?
Voeltzkow's chameleon seen again after 100 years; Biologists want to reclassify penguins; School officials prohibit girl's "Jesus Loves Me" face mask; Student body president is only part of the compromise in Calvin University's senate . . . and other stories reviewed during this November 11, 2020...
11/16 Not Your Grandmother's Woman
Physicists print microscopic platinum ships that trek through hydrogen peroxide; Activists pressure oxford to change definitions for women; 1.7 million Colorado voters reject ban on abortions after viability; Fossil theorists garner media coverage by connecting evolution to climate change; ACLU p...
11/17 Did That Baby Have a Tail?
Mojo sells toys with evolutionary misinformation; "Race Cars" helps 7-year-olds adopt Critical Race Theory; VP Harris asks if NASA satellite data on trees shows environmental justice; Evolutionists try again with homology; College students sue school over discrimination against guest speaker; Abo...
11/18 Billions of Dead Things
Yellowstone Park bans man for cooking chickens in hot springs; Biden pledges LGBTQIA+ laws during first 100 days; President Giammattei bans Planned Parenthood in Guatemala; Iowa university students block pro-life group for not being "equitable, just, and welcoming"; Anthropologist examine eviden...
11/22 Would Jesus Be Woke?
Record setting premie is doing well; NSW law recognises humnaity of unborn children; Biologists try to measure natural selection in chickadees; Politician tweets about Jesus (and male and female); Australian guide finds rare jawless eel; Media revisit discoveries from Antarctic ice cores . . . an...
11/24 Who Died?
A California bear walks into a 7-Eleven; Boston pays city employees who stay home after abortions; Virginia professor helps activists destigmatize pedophilia; Evolutionary biologists try to explain design features in human birth canal; People study rockfish with hopes of extending human life span...
11/25 Thank God, Not the Universe
Masked newborn proves evolution; Pundits attack congressman for leading people to Christ; Activist exploits her child to increase her fame; Angsty nihilist fears black holes won't remember him; Woke parents seek ungodly advice on how to deal with their "insufferable" children; Evolutionary biolog...
11/29 Who Grants Authority to Parents?
Ranger and social network return lost teddy bear to 6-year-old; Disciples of Karl Marx work to abolish family; Media covers our plans to build a Tower of Babel replica; Researchers concede mammoths lived more recently than they thought but still blame humans and climate change for extinction; Pal...
12/02 Seeing Reality
Atom seen during intelligently designed experiment; Data artists visualize molecular choreography within living cells; Reef biologist tries to define evolution and fitness in a way that supports socialism; Atheists continue to label dogma defying evidence as 'convergent evolution'; Canada's Jane...
12/07 Doctors Without Limits
U.S. government allows airlines to decide which animals can fly in passenger cabins; Paleontologists publish more parallel evolution headlines based on teeth; Evolutionists declare living species to be prehistoric relics; California educrats force 8-year-olds to learn Marxist theories instead of ...
12/08 Did Apes Give Man a Spine?
A bald eagle claims a shark being reeled in by a a fisherman; Research team claims their virtual fossils provide a missing link between apes and humans; Fewer Americans want children; Stay-at-home musician prefers evolution to Answers in Genesis . . . and other stories reviewed during this Decemb...
12/09 Do You See What I See?
Indonesian man makes cat costumes; Jupiter and Saturn appear closer than they have for almost 700 years; Film-makers feature Amazon wall paintings in new documentary; Professors complain after SCoTUS remembers freedom is more important than health; Campoamor twists celebrity miscarriages into pro...
12/13 Why Did T-rex Get Bone Disease?
Deer seeks refuge in a church; Fewer Americans believe Jesus' teaching about hell; Apple pleases Chinese government by removing Bible and Quran apps; Paleontologists capitalize on Denisovan bone fragments to tell another deep-time story; Researchers find disease when they use dual-energy computed...
12/15 Is Abortion Better Than Adoption?
Sailor records white whale; Abortion advocate warns that adoption is harmful; Dawkins signs feminist declaration against transgender activists; Researchers program automated microscopes and artificial intelligence to categorize coccoliths; Paleontologists ponder puzzling footprints; Evolutionists...
12/16 Establishing A Secular State
Japanese seaweed farmer traps nine-arm octopus; Geneticists research migration through DNA; Nickelodeon helps transgender actor to coach children; Dogmatic activists want retail stores to stop distinguishing boys and girls; Professors study 2,500 grade-schoolers to find most-effective method of e...
12/20 Where Are Italy's Babies?
Biker draws a portrait within a GPS app; Paleontologist publish papers about pterosaurs; Spanish tree-sap contains a variety of dead creatures; Male swimmer breaks female swimming records; Italian government pays people to have babies; Researchers try to verify published experiments . . . and oth...
12/23 Fear Not! Behold! Good News!
NoAA Satellite records moon shadow on South America; Canadian lawmakers intensify law to punish parents who object to gender doctrine; Postgraduates at Harvard Medical School declare "Not all who give birth identify as women"; Argentina's lower house approves abortion bill; Abortion activist's vi...
12/28 Together in Jesus
Aussie researchers study how wild kangaroos communicate with humans; Man declares puberty is optional and should be chemically prevented until children choose their own gender; Evolutionists cling to dogma even after studying Adalatherium for twenty years; New Scientist writers continue to descri...
12/29 Will Women's Sports Survive?
Virginia entomologist counts legs on millipedes; Facebook admits it does not verify whether fact checkers use facts; Gov. Noem insists it is not fair to allow men to compete in women's sports; European scientists assume hydrogen detected on Mars will turn out to be water; Darwinian naturalists sp...
12/30 Life from Non-Life?
Trooper warns festive driver to turn off his lights; Palaeoentomologists examine 1,400 flea genes then reorder evolution's tree of life; Abortion activists complain fetus photos are unfairly persuasive; Democrat Tulsi Gabbard sponsors two bills to defend unborn babies; Researchers intelligently d...
2/02 Heartbeats Change Minds
Irish guys carry dead man to post office to collect his pension; California school district pays $57,000 to disrupt whiteness' in kindergarten; Poll shows young Americans persuaded by fetal heartbeats; Marine biologists find organ that may explain why whales don't drown when they eat; Evolutioni...
2/03 Did God Say Be Fruitful?
Quads give parents nine children under nine years old; Livescience offers free dating indoctrination; Atheists find meaning being their own gods; Birth rates plummet during 2020 lockdowns; UC professor claims good is evil; Evolutionists conclude that dead plants must be 100 million years older; P...
2/07 Did Meat Make Us Human?
Russian youtuber builds an exploding lightsaber; Abortionist company builds a playground; NYT journalist blurs reality; Australian develops new technique and discovers new object in space; New analysis undermines dominant hypothesis about role meat-eating in human evolution; Pittsburgh investiga...
2/08 Are We Speciesists or Stewards?
Chick-Fil-A manager helps small South Carolina town distribute vaccines; Researchers base guess about undiscovered eggs on tiny jawbone; Snakes show undocumented climbing ability; PETA decries supremacist language; Naturalists like story about thumb evolution; Democrats send tax money to fund abo...
2/09 Does The Bible Mention Unicorns?
Idaho home-owners discover wall of baseball cards; ABC suspends Whoopi; Tax-funded schools promote BLM week; HbS mutation results contradict evolutionary doctrine; Amber preserves flowers unchanged by evolution; Chicago schools train teachers to lie; Discover admits Siberian rhino may have lived ...
2/14 How Hitler Loved Darwin
Giant snow bear sculpture draws attention near ontario highway; Florida lawmakers try to ban pornographic content in schools; iPhones push pregnant man and pregnant person emojis; Scientists aim to re-create wooly mammoths; Astronomers grapple with weak sun paradox, Australian liberals want to el...
2/17 Who Needs Living Fossils to Evolve?
Lawyer appears in court as kitten; Harvard biologists claim to know how fins became limbs; Evolutionists hope jumping genes will hide their shame over living fossils; Snopes publishes non-fact-checked article claiming creationists are dangerous; Hospital maternity ward requires non-scientific lan...
2/22 Which God Gives Us Life?
104-year-old Lucio Caicedo completes his Ph.D. during lockdown; oxford biologist seeks robot code in spider legs; ornithologists studying starling genetics find rapid variation that their evolutionary worldview did not predict; Genetic engineers want to assist evolution; Virginia lawmakers remove...
2/23 Brontosaur Ancestor Found?
Bored guard draws on paintings in Russian museum; Transgender ideologs use court system to abuse families; Neutron imaging detects baby dinosaur inside stomach of fossil crocodile; Brazilian paleontologists propose bones as the missing link to sauropods . . . and other stories reviewed during thi...
2/28 Co-Parenting Trends
Scientists build robotic fish powered by human heart cells; U.S. media personality wants people to consider conscious co-parenting; Astronomers agree Bernardinelli-Bernstein is largest comet ever observed . . . and other stories reviewed during this February 28, 2022, broadcast of Answers News.
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2021 Answers for Pastors Conference Trailer
If you can not be with us in person, purchase a live streaming access pass!
The 2021 Answers for Pastors and Leaders Conference, Raising Godly Generations to Face the Secular Giants, october 5 - 7, 2021
The conference is open to everyone.... -
2021 Unlocking Science Season 3 Teaser
A quick glimpse into what is coming in Season 3 of Unlocking Science
3/03 What Makes a False Teacher?
Man builds an ice bike; Professor tries to program chatbot AI to decode whale songs; ADF reviews consequences of "Equality" law; British police retreat from statement that being offensive is illegal; Researchers make claims about uncertain dates from partial DNA recovered from broken teeth; Cosmo...
3/08 Why Is Confusion Popular?
Toddler tries to call 911 on Dad's locked phone; California law makers bring back fines for retailers who dare to sell "boys" and "girls" toys; Gallup poll shows massive increase in young Americans identifying as neither male nor female; Researchers tracking movements of yellow slime molds claim ...
3/09 This one Trend Is Causing Divorce Rates to SoAR
Society has come to embrace this one trend more and more, but the data is clear: those who refrain from it have some of the lowest divorce rates, by far. God's design for marriage and his guidelines against sexual immorality are certainly for our own good.
In this Answers News broadcast, our hos...
3/10 Does the Pope Trump the Bible?
Team returns wallet to owner who lost it in Antarctica 53 years ago; Bethany agrees to place orphans with LGBTQIA+ adults; Daily Beast responds to our Lucy display; New Mexico politicians repeal abortion ban and conscience protections for hospitals and healthcare workers; Roman Catholic Pope says...
3/2 Muslims Are Now Becoming Evolutionists: Christians Respond
There appears to be a growing movement among some Muslims arguing for compatibility between Darwinian evolution and Islamic teachings. This is creating a divide in their religion, understandably. In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Patricia Engler, and Tim Chaffey share ...
3/21 What Would Extraterrestrial Life Mean For Christians?
If mankind made contact with extraterrestrial life (or aliens), what would happen? And what would it mean for Christians? In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts Patricia Engler, Tim Chaffey, and Rob Webb share their perspective on this subject as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us fo...
3/23 3,100 Year old Artifact Found With Biblical Writing on It
Archeologists recently discovered an artifact with the Biblical judge Jerubbaal's name written on it. The artifact has been dated to 3,100 years ago. In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts Patricia Engler, Roger Patterson, and Dr. Gabriella Haynes share their perspective on this discovery as B...
3/24 - Fake Mouse Wombs - Good or Evil?
Columbia College hosts six different CRT-based graduation ceremonies; Bloodsucking fish fossils challenge evolutionary dogma; Researchers create artificial mouse wombs; Ancient Greenland plants point to warmer climate in upper northern hemisphere; Neanderthals made art; NYC private schools prefer...
3/28 Catholic Church Brings Abortion Celebration to a Halt
The mayor of Alexandria had plans to publicly celebrate the city's abortion providers, but after outcry from a local Catholic church, the mayor backpedaled and is no longer moving forward with the celebration.
In this Answers News broadcast, our hosts Patricia Engler, Roger Patterson, and Dr. G...
3/29 What's odd About Giraffes?
Female amphibian selected for Easter bunny; Canadian politicians seek to remove limits on killing disabled and mentally ill patients; Evolutionary geneticist inserts giraffe genes into mice; Researcher proposes different standards for colleges that teach God created; Paleontologists find fossil o...
3/31 Did Neanderthals Use Toothpicks?
Stinking mice plague New South Wales and Queensland; Dutch chemist claims to have designed an experiment that proves death enables evolution; Scientists wait to publish new rules expanding fetal research; Astronauts collect three unknown bacteria strains from inside the space station; Canada jail...
4/05 Who Speaks for Women?
Child posts to US Strategic Command's Twitter account; Musician flaunting satanic rebellion sells and trends; Women respond to President's comment about women; Genetic engineers claim whitefly BtPMaT1 came from plants; Paleobiologists double their age for extinct tiger sharks; ohio professor wins...
4/06 This Horrible Movement Is Growing... (Christians Respond)
In the state of oregon, there is a new movement garnering lots of attention for their controversial slogan: "Stop Having Kids." Those three words are plastered on numerous billboards around the state. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Tim Chaffey, and Dr. Jennifer Rivera s...
4/12 Can We Save ourselves?
Saturn's moons proclaim Jesus' majestic power; Heidelberg evolutionists wants to change cephelod timeline by 30 million years; Reverend senetor tweets and deletes; Another story about gene transfer smells fishy; Alberta authorities fence off church property and use police to prevent assembly; St...
4/14 Did Eve Eat an Apple?
Ten-foot gator hides under a parked car in a Florida apartment complex; Population control wipes out children on a Korean island; Professor asks God to help her hate white people; Scientists, at a scientific conference, warn other scientists not to let science control the narrative; Genetic engin...
4/19 Will They Like Us if We Lie?
California chain offers burgers to customers who get branded tattoos; UK politician apologizes for visiting church; Arkansas bans gender transition procedures for minors; Evolutionary anthropologists speculate about empty skulls; Fossilized beach from Matalasca nas includes footprints of human ch...
4/27 Seashells Pile Up on North Carolina Beaches
Answers News - April 27, 2020
4/28 Who Is Paying for Baby Parts?
Unknown creature filmed in backyard; Woke activist complains about dog cartoon; Xavier Becerra aborts Ethics Advisory Board that limited research on fetuses; report documents US government buying and trafficking parts from aborted babies; Evolutionists stoke their fears of man-made climate catast...
5/03 Are Fears Preventing Families?
Sign war breaks out in Virginia town; Iranian programs beetle algorithm that solves engineering problems; Climate alarmists hesitate to have children; Koonin reveals why climate science is unsettled; Coffee plant variant productive in more climates; Media anticipates summer release of UFo report...
5/05 Who Says There Are Six Sexes?
Bee: Nuggets feature dinosaurs and humans together; Debates continue over the age of the universe; Harvard graduate insists there are six sexes; Team announces CRISPRon and CRISPRoff that can alter epigenetics; Researchers create oxygen simulations to guess the motives of dead people; Biden asks ...
5/06 Legal Polygamy
Baby humpback whales nurse; Researchers recognize rapid speciation; Activists redefine marriage again; Americans marry less often; Neurologists tell language fables; Paleontologists review fossils from the Sahara; Abortionists outraged by coronovirus closures . . . and more in this episode of Ans...
5/10 Who Hates Whom?
Navel-gazing science considers belly buttons; Finnish Prosecutor General accuses Christians of intolerance, contempt and hatred; Finnish PG also charges pastor for publishing book in 2004 that violates law passed in 2017; Facebook bans LifeSiteNews; Author appeals to experts and huge spans of tim...
5/11 Unpacking Raptors
Murder hornets invade; Gondwanatherian bones make headlines; Deluded mum sues British government; Canadian judge screams at father for resisting state sterilization of daughter; Evolutionists argue about unfossilized raptor behavior . . . and more in this broadcast of Answers News!
Murder horne...
5/13 ELCA Prays to Mother God
Customer tips big; Filmmaker normalizes dysphoria; Researchers trace marble to specific quarry; Professors announce our sun is not normal; ELCA prays to mother god; Parents disagree with school board over sex indoctrination; Naturalists see evolution in pandemic . . . and more in this broadcast o...
5/17 Does the Bible Define Bishop?
French cave-dwellers emerge after 40 days; ELCA elects woman who insists she is not a woman to serve as bishop; Chaplain sues Christian school that fired him for insensitivity to gender identity and sexual orientation; Neuroscientists admit evolutionary assumptions inhibited study of cerebellum; ...
5/20 More Flood Evidence Ignored
Holey Rome; Ghoulish marketing; Provocative judge; Bearded fable; Misinterpreted belemnoid; Murderous charity; Reported propaganda; Spun facts and more in this episode of Answers News.
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In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness t... -
5/24 Will Killing Increase Happiness?
Stone arch named after Darwin collapses in front of tourists; Indiana court dismisses fired teacher's lawsuit against Catholic school; Baylor university chooses conformity over courage; Palaeoecologists admit to finding another living fossil; Dawkins says aborting blind, deaf, and Down syndrome b...
6/01 God Gave Them Up
Heroic boys rescue drowning girl; Activists capitalize on police brutality to foment destruction; Private-sector space program succeeds; Postdoctoral fellow mistakes longer toes for evolution; Researchers implant electrodes to trace letters in participants' minds; USA birth rate lowest since 1909...
6/07 Can We Choose our Behavior?
Video shows one seagull air-surfing on another; Evolutionists design Hadron Collider QGP experiment to prop up Big Bang story; Professor argues homosexuals don't choose their behavior, therefore straight people should choose better behavior; Swedish Lutheran organization declares loyalty to LGBTQ...
6/09 Does Pride Tolerate Dissent?
Kids pester bus hijacker till he sets them free; Pollsters shocked that 40% of Americans choose biblical rather than evolutionary timeframes for dinosaurs; Biden celebrates that 14% of his appointees identify as LGBTQIA+; ontario adoption officials reject Christian family that disagreed with gend...
6/10 Impact Downgraded
Bait company builds giant lure; Professor questions asteroid extinction; Biologists interpret spore spines to support ozone and climate fears; Researchers document truth decay in USA; Virus experts say faith and science work together; People define weeds‚ differently; Team analyzing snake genes a...
6/14 Does the Burgess Shale Cry out?
FDA warns people allergic to shrimp to not eat cicadas; Abortion advocates prove intolerant of pro-life sign; Mud flow research challenges settled dogma for evolution's sacred site; Primatologist Jane Goodall rejects naturalism as a worldview; Australians argue over legalizing assisted suicide; C...
6/15 The PhyloCode
Bird biologist finds lost lizard; Lawyer documents sex advocacy in public schools; Evolutionists propose PhyloCode for naming creatures; Biologists intelligently design experiment to replicate imaginary past; Religious atheists celebrate expanding indoctrination; NSF funds paper returning to volc...
6/16 Do Dinosaurs Refute God?
Trending sidewalk girl hints at loss of perspective; Biologists freeze and thaw rotifers; Alberta Judge Shaigec says freedom of religion is subject to reasonable limitations; Blum urges intolerance in the Jerusalem Post; Scottish teachers' union hosts play portraying Jesus as a transgender woman...
6/17 Britain Rethinks Puberty Blockers
Married couple celebrates 80-year anniversary, Harvard prof urges homeschoolers to be indoctrinated by public schools, Britain reverses direction on puberty blockers, scientists discover dinosaur's last meal, researchers find oldest land animal fossil, punctuated evolution example debunked, court...
6/21 Will UFOs Save Evolution?
Whale gulps down then spits out fisherman; Gallup reports abortion survey results; Researcher challenges hype around declassified Unidentified Aerial Phenomena data; NYC Public Transit posts threatening signs; Edinburgh city council pays £25,000 fine for unlawfully canceling Christian conferen...
6/22 Flood Solves Antarctica Rainforest Mystery
Drunk elephants and armadillos baffle scientists, US Supreme Court normalizes transgenderism, Tennessee schools required to release students in time for church, Global Flood solves Antarctica rainforest mystery, 30 alien civilizations lurking in the Milky Way? Disney fans cry "racism" at theme pa...
6/23 Is It Evil to Steal?
Honest man returns water tower accidentally sold by city; Hungarian parliament outlaws LGBTQIA+ indoctrination of children; Biochemists examining shape-changing polymerase end up challenging a central dogma in biology; Additional fossils force reclassification of "dino-bird" skull; CBS news team...
6/24 Colors Beyond our Sight
Maintenance crew stuffs roller coaster; Politicians insist conversion is abuse; Researchers sort 929 genomes into evolutionary model; Activists hate female author; Hummingbirds see colors humans can't; Bird feathers bend light; Nickelodeon celebrates #pride; Chemist and geologist think life came ...
7/01 Rumors of War
NASA shows ten years of sun photos in one hour video; People accumulate genetic mutations at different rates; Maloney claims religious liberty means discrimination; one-third of Americans polled think civil war is likely; Dutch court gives no penalty to doctor who murdered rebellious patient; Res...
7/06 Embracing Sin As Identity
Mad hatterpillars keep their heads; Voters want women's sports for females; Court rules states cannot exclude religious schools; Evolutionists think they think like monkeys; Professors re-examine saber-tooth marsupial teeth; Hatmakers celebrate sin-based identity; ELCA asserts anti-biblical defin...
7/07 Can Elephants Inspire Engineers?
Baby boy born halfway through pregnancy celebrates his first birthday; IRS says Bible-quoters are too partisan to qualify for tax-exempt status; Researchers use infrared spectroscopes to find proteins in fossilized eggs; Evolutionists think the mass burial in the Haiyan Lagerstätte fossils ma...
7/08 Biblical Justice Is Personal
Bioengineers invent way to translate ASL; Pastors seek compromise with advocates who demand absolute affirmation; Naturalists choose sides on asteroid v. volcano dogma; ontario pastor declares he is a woman; African pastor warns ethnic gnosticism is a false religion; Atheist magazine labels peopl...
7/12 Who Insists Creation Is Racist?
Honest couple notifies bank about $50 billion error; Canadian radio host fans flames of church arson; Scientific American publishes accusation that opponents of evolution are white supremacists; Paleontologists x-ray fossilized dino dung and discover new beetle; Six patients receive experimental ...
7/14 Who Wants to Make Disciples?
Dentists design magnetic mouth-lock to prevent overeating; Teacher sues administrators over skin-color curriculum; Utah BLM declares US flag a hate symbol; National Geographic tries to fit carved bones into evolutionary storyline; Uncomfortable agnostics recognise the value of Christian faith; Is...
7/15 Stranger Family
Engineers produce geostationary satellites that map lightning; SCoTUS won't tell religious schools who to hire; Atheistic assumptions drive new Turkana Boy analysis; Co-parenting is old, not new; Parents choosing to homeschool overwhelm state bureaucracy; Atheists change opinions about Earth's ma...
7/26 What Does Disney Preach?
Couple finds 18 snakes under their bed; Court rules Iowa university violated religious liberty; Teen Vogue celebrates Disney's queer HSMTMTS love song; Researchers consider genetic material found in giant lemur jawbone; Whistleblower reveals how toy company trains employees to see children as rac...
7/27 Fruitless and Not Multiplying
Cee films lightning at the Statue of Liberty; Pew publishes results of international God and morality survey; Communists enter homes of Christians to force worship of CCP; Duke graduate student concludes we are all fish; Chemists admit DNA is more complicated than commonly taught; Burton rescues ...
7/29 How Earth Got Its Climate...
Engineers surprised at complicated nanostructures in insects; International team declares five-inch hippo bone was an ancient tool; London activist wants society to get rid of white men; Kaufman writes crosswalk signals are racist; Geologist preaches deep time dogma; Climate alarmists revise date...
8/02 Who Puts Men in Women's Prisons?
Spanish police respond to cat playing loud music; California bureaucrats offer licensed contraceptive counseling and birth control to female inmates (after placing males in women's prisons); Shatner says nothing matters; Scientists discover ABo blood groups in neanderthals and denisovans; US poll...
8/03 Plus or Minus 1,200,000,000
Wildlife Federation celebrates tiger success by demanding more government action; Fewer Americans report reading their Bibles; Rowling tries to reason with transgender advocates; Astrophysicists' measurements give different ages for the universe; Fulani Muslims burn, loot, rape and murder in yet ...
8/04 Will Nick Vujicic open a Bank?
Austrian team lies to dogs, primates and babies and record the results; A doctor prescribes subjective evangelism; ScienceNews wrestles to fit Alaskan baby dino fossils into their theories; Another musician turns away from Christ and toward ancient heresy; Entrepreneurs start ProLifeBank after se...
8/05 Scientist or Activist?
Slovenian biologists gather data from spider webs; Appeals court agrees with religious liberty for adoption agencies; Polish croc fossil forces evolutionists to change tale about tracks; Nature retracts paper about dinosaur birds; Another evolutionary deep-time story features squishy words; South...
8/12 Granting Favors
Girl breaks periodic record; Woman honors her abortion daily; Illinois Democrats demand rewrite of history classes; NBA player stands alone for the gospel; DC Mayor uses tax dollars to paint political messages onto streets, then arrests protesters writing in chalk; British police drag father awa...
8/16 When Did These Cave Lions Die?
Trojan horse hoax returns to embarrass media; Largest teacher's union sues mother of kindergarten student; Creationists and evolutionists disagree about cave lion ice mummy evidence; Canadian pastor defends congregation from LGBTQIA+ intolerance; London police arrest American street preacher . . ...
8/24 Euphemisms Cloak Murder
Canadians install satellite dishes on beaver dams; Hallmark releases film with a lesbian wedding; Burmese find extinct ant in solid sap; Americans argue about abortion restrictions in Arkansas; Fruit flies use special nerve cells; Doctors in Flanders approve of murdering "defective" babies; More ...
8/25 Do Children Belong to the State?
Black cat leads rescuers to missing woman; Snopes fact-checker caught cheating; Researchers model asteroid impacts; Scientists document how fetal membranes heal; School district instructs teachers when lie to parents about gender; Columnist repeats biased inaccurate history; Finland joins Sweden ...
8/26 Drag Queen Story Hour Tweet
Dinoflagellates make waves glow blue; Biologists compare eighteen penguin genomes; Drag queens hide tweet; Atheists cram intelligently designed containers into materialistic worldview; Evolutionary archaeologist interprets dry layers of grass and ash; Pro-lifers convince YouTube to restore aborti...
8/31 Fossil Prints
NASA reports man sized rock is no danger; Paleontologists interpret Grand Canyon tracks; Something buried an ichthyosaur next to its prey; Coach Dungy calls out pro-abortion pastors; Democrat pastor advocates for tax funded abortion; Evolutionists double-down on claim that bird was a dinosaur; N...
9/01 Can a Majority Be Wrong?
Researchers see a "golden" bear in Peru; Probe survey shows large decline in US Christianity over the last 10 years; Homosexual advice columnist helps people leaving God to find Magic; Bank of America, Lowe's and Truist sponsor CRT training to make employees "woke at work"; Colorado father persua...
9/08 Who Leads Harvard?
Canadian weatherman's dog joins broadcast; Booksellers apologize for true books; Palaeontologists spin teeth into three new creatures with backstories; Biologists find even less time for plants to evolve moisture-regulating stomata; President insists Texas abortion limits are outrageous‚ and "ex...
9/13 What If Aliens Don't Exist?
Tably app measures whether pet cats are healthy; Team led by graduate student claims that intelligently designed antibiotic treatment follows mindless evolutionary principles; Wild cockatoos make utensils out of tree branches to open fruit pits; San Francisco government will pay high-risk men to ...
9/14 Let's Burn A Church
Pythons break through ceiling; Evolutionists wrestle with dingo origins; Amazon expands censorship of one viewpoint; Police warn pastor not to offend gay pride mob; Geneticists admit loss of information drives variation (but still trust "Nature" to produce information); Researchers checked more ...
9/15 Do You See What I See?
Mom posts funny photo of her daughter and a stingray; New York Democrat calls Texan Christians "extremists" and recommends home abortions; Religious leaders form group to oppose Texas abortion law; Dakota triceratops to be sold at French auction; American Psychological Association report contradi...
9/21 Life on Venus! Well...
Cat knocks dog owner unconscious; President cuts propaganda from federal trainings; Psychologists suggest all beliefs in god (except their own) come from brain chemistry; MacArthur willing to launch jail ministry; CNN pitches flammable, foul, toxic gas to evolution devotees on Earth; Mainline Pro...
9/23 Good News in Iran
Bandit monkey leaves selfie evidence; Countries show different trends on abortion; Scientific American reveals their bias is political too; Paleontologists admit dinosaurs were rapidly entombed while alive; Mount Holyoke College trades women for gender diversity; Jesus grows his church in Persia ...
9/28 BLM vs Family
Shabby experiments win ignoble prizes; Pelosi declares Mother Earth is angry; Educators challenge nuclear family, ignore multi-generational extended family; Environmentalists claim lawn care is evil; Natural History Museum curators cave to intersectional outrage; Reindeer hunters in Siberia unear...
9/30 Brain Fog
Woman wakes to snake biting her face; After five years, researchers explain comet's invisible glow in satellite photos; Wisconsin astronomers announce a gas giant around a white dwarf; Stargazers speculate x-ray fluctuations may be extragalactic planet; Evolutionary biologist tells story about sl...
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Dr. Georgia Purdom, Director of Educational Content at Answers in Genesis, sat down with Avery Foley to discuss what's unique about ABC for Homeschool compared to the myriad of other Bible curricula available for homeschoolers.
ABCH for Middle School
Join Dr. Georgia Purdom and Dr. Dana Sneed as they discuss teaching middle schoolers using Answers Bible Curriculum Homeschool. Learn useful tips for adapting and modifying the curriculum for teens.
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Bryan and Avery introduce Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool (ABCH).
Whole Bible. Whole Truth. That's the motto of Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. This exciting curriculum, for kindergarten through grade five, goes through the entire Bible chronologically in four years. It's an inc...
Aliens: Fact or Fiction? Trailer
What happens when Science Fiction loses the fiction and is accepted as science?
In this planetarium show from the Creation Museum, discover what astronomers have found, and what the Bible says about life beyond earth.
Answers for Evangelism - Trailer
What is evangelism? Why is it seemingly so scary? How can we engage people with the message of the Gospel, and how can we be ready for their responses? We are delighted to bring you six LIVE presentations (and a special Q&;A session) featuring six speakers involved in various aspects of evangelis...
Answers News - April 13, 2022
A recently-discovered fossil leads archaeologists to a new theory on how animals like snakes lost their limbs. Does God's Word say anything about this? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Tim Chaffey, and Robb Webb share their perspective on this matter as Bible-believi...
Answers News - April 18, 2022
A well-known, progressive TikTok pastor by the name of Brandan Robertson insists that Jesus Christ is not the only way to be saved. Furthermore, he denies the existence of hell altogether. What does the Bible have to say about this?
In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, ...
Answers News - April 27, 2022
Recently, Florida took a stand for biblical principles by refusing to use textbooks which teach critical race theory to children. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne share their perspective on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News - April 6, 2022
Answers News - June 13, 2022
A recent Fox News article covers a North Carolina preschool that got caught using LGBT flashcards depicting a pregnant man. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Bryan Osborne, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
Answers News - June 22, 2022
A recent report reveals that the number of young transgender people has nearly doubled in recent years. Particularly, those from the ages of 13 - 17. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Roger Patterson, and Dr. Kaia Kloster share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-beli...
Answers News - June 6, 2022
A recent article covers an image taken by a NASA Mars rover which has gone viral on the internet. Is that door a sign of intelligent life?
In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-belie...
Answers News - June 8, 2022
Following the tragic incident that recently took place in Uvalde, Texas, a Washington Post opinion article asks the question: Should it be legal for children to purchase guns? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on t...
Answers News - May 18, 2022
The headquarters of a pro-life group was attacked in the early hours of Mother's Day, specifically as a result of the leaked Roe v. Wade document. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Kaia Kloster, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-belie...
Answers News - May 2, 2022
In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne take a look at what art looked like thousands of years ago, and what techniques artists used in that era. According to one recent study, our early ancestors probably created art by firelight.
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Answers News - May 25, 2022
Did a fragment from the supposed original asteroid that killed all dinosaurs get found recently? or is there something suspicious going on? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Dr. Kaia Kloster, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
Answers News - May 30, 2022
A recent study found that only 37% of pastors have a Biblical worldview. When surveying about 1,000 pastors across the country, researchers found that nearly two thirds of them veer off from what the Bible says in one way or another. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Dr. Kaia Kl...
Answers News - May 4, 2022
A leaked draft revealing Supreme Court opinion appears to show that Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned! In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Tim Chaffey, and Dr. Georgia Purdom share their perspective on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News - May 9, 2022
Evolutionists have a bold new theory on how birds like crows and ravens were able to migrate and colonize the world. How does their theory hold up when compared to the Bible? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Tim Chaffey, and Dr. Georgia Purdom share their perspectiv...
Answers News for April 1, 2024
Recent Gallup polls show more Americans and Christians than ever before to be in support of same-sex marriage. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians. Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week. Therefore a man sha...
Answers News for April 10, 2023
If God is good, why do animals have to suffer? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Georgia Purdom, and Kaia Kloster share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created the great sea creatures ...
Answers News for April 10, 2024
Scientists have recently engineered a BIZARRE mouse embryo with 6 legs and no genitals In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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‚And God said, 'Let the earth bring forth...
Answers News for April 15, 2024
The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics recently banned transgender athletes from competing in woman's sports In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So G...
Answers News for April 17, 2023
Recently, United States representative Ted Lieu posted a very misleading image that is causing some people to believe 9-week-old fetuses are not human beings. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Kaia Kloster, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believi...
Answers News for April 22, 2024
Why is Colorado fighting to keep abortion pill reversal treatments ILLEGAL? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me toget...
Answers News for April 29, 2024
Evolution-believing scientists recently claimed to have observed rare evolution‚ in action. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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‚And God said, 'Let the earth bring ...
Answers News for April 3, 2023
Scientists have recently grown wooly mammoth meat in a lab and turned it into a meatball. These same scientists want more people to start eating lab-grown meat in order to fight climate change. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Jessica Jaworski, and Patricia Engler share the...
Answers News for August 1, 2022
A recent article from onlySky reveals how evolutionists believe morality came to be and what they think morality will look like in 100,000 years. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christia...
Answers News for August 14, 2023
Recently, scientists have discovered a skull unlike any other skull we've discovered. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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And God made the beasts of the earth accor...
Answers News for August 19, 2024
Here's what our culture NEEDS to realize about euthanasia. Most Americans now favor legal euthanasia, and in this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created man in ...
Answers News for August 21, 2023
A recently discovered ancient ice man has left evolutionists STUNNED. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Kaia Kloster, Bryan Osborne, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Then God said, Let us...
Answers News for August 26, 2024
We're seeing a CoNCERNING problem among protestants. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Patricia Engler, Roger Patterson, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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I have stored up your word i...
Answers News for August 28, 2023
Recently, a user asked ChatGPT to generate a fake bible verse accepting transgenderism. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created man in his own image, in ...
Answers News for August 29, 2022
Big tech's pro-abortion agenda is continually getting worse. Yelp is currently in the spotlight for making it easier than ever for women to find abortion centers. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for August 5, 2024
Atheists have a SHoCKING new claim about human origins. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Marisa Tillery, and Kevin Hadsall share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created...
Answers News for August 7, 2023
Recently, scientists have supposedly revived roundworms from many thousands of years ago. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Jessica Jaworski, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for August 8, 2022
Scientists have recently discovered that a small, particular crustacean species can pollinate red seaweed underwater. They speculate that sea-life pollination might have evolved‚ before land-life pollination. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Kaia Kloster, Tim Chaffey, and Patricia Engl...
Answers News for December 11, 2023
There's a new theory in the world of evolution, and it SHATTERS their previous beliefs. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Roger Patterson, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for December 18, 2023
Evolutionists are TWISTING this incredible new evidence for biblical creation. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for December 19, 2022
Even the Cambridge Dictionary is now pushing an anti-biblical agenda. Recently, they added new definitions to the words man‚ and woman‚ that directly oppose the Bible. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jessica Jaworski, Roger Patterson, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on thi...
Answers News for December 2, 2024
A Montana trans lawmaker just said some shocking things In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Georgia Purdom, Marissa Tillery, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created man ...
Answers News for December 27, 2023
This week's episode aired on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.
A recent article from IFLScience article explores potential astronomical explanations for the Christmas star In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.Subscribe to u...
Answers News for December 4, 2023
Evolutionists are SCRAMBLING to make sense of the new evidence of biblical creation. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for December 5th, 2022
Recently, the United States Senate passed the Democrats' same-sex marriage‚ bill. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Jennifer Rivera, Bryan Osborne, and Jessica Jaworski share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for December 9, 2024
There is HoPE: Bible sales are SURGING in America In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof,...
Answers News for February 1, 2023
A popular medical journal in the UK claims that animal and plant lives are just as valuable as human lives and that we should treat them accordingly. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Patricia Engler, and Dr. Jennifer Rivera share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-...
Answers News for February 14, 2024
These whales officially CoNFIRM the biblical flood account. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Roger Patterson, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God create...
Answers News for February 15, 2023
The Church of England is facing backlash for exploring the idea of God being gender-neutral. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Bryan Osborne, and Dr. Georgia Purdom share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for February 21, 2024
They FIRED this Russian geneticist after he claimed humans once lived up to 900 years. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Patricia Engler, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for February 22, 2023
A Yale professor recently suggested mass suicide for old people as a solution to Japan's aging population. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Rob Webb, Patricia Engler, and Jessica Jaworski share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for February 28, 2024
These secular scientists keep discovering‚ things we ve known for ages. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jessica DeFord, Rob Webb, and Dr. Georgia Purdom share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God ...
Answers News for February 7, 2024
Canada is planning to pass a law that would allow the mentally ill to apply for assisted death. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for February 8, 2023
Have astronomers just discovered the universe's first stars? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Roger Patterson, Rob Webb, and Tim Chaffey share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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And God made the two gre...
Answers News for January 10, 2024
A recent NCSE article reviews the findings of a recent survey on the views of people in seven countries. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jessica DeFord, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Dr. Tim Chaffey share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for January 11th, 2023
A recent article from Discover magazine seeks to determine where dragon mythology came from and if it's legitimate. In this episode of Answers News, Bryan Osborne, Tim Chaffey, and Dr. Jennifer Rivera share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for January 17, 2024
These archaeologists just made an incredible discovery that CoNFIRMS a biblical account. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Patricia Engler, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-believing Christians.
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... -
Answers News for January 18, 2023
Scientists have learned how to reverse aging in mice, and some believe humans are next. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Rob Webb, Patricia Engler, and Georgia Purdom share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for January 24, 2024
Creationists just had a HUGE win in court, and evolutionists are NoT happy about it. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Dr. Tim Chaffey, Roger Patterson, and Avery Foley, share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for January 3, 2024
This episode aired on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. King's College London released a study analyzing the largest available consistently formatted data on non-binary athletes‚ and concluded that biological sex has considerable explanatory advantages over gender identity‚ in athletic performance. In ...
Answers News for January 31, 2024
This woman was found to be pregnant while in the process of transitioning, which could be terrible news for the child. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Patricia Engler, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for January 4, 2023
A professor from Israel believes an inscription engraved with the name of Judean King Hezekiah from the eighth century BC to be one of the greatest discoveries of all time since it confirms the Bible as a historical reality. In this episode of Answers News, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Gabriela Haynes...
Answers News for July 1, 2024
Has the James Webb Telescope proved that evolutionists were right about star formation all along? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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In the beginning, God created ...
Answers News for July 11, 2022
A preacher tweeted a video that exposes a handful of pro-abortionists kicking a Bible around and laughing. They go on to throw the Bible into a toilet. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jennifer Rivera, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-believin...
Answers News for July 15, 2024
Evolutionists' NEW claim about the dinosaurs DEBUNKED. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Jennifer Rivera, Bryan Osborne, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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‚And God said, 'L...
Answers News for June 27, 2022
**This episode of Answers News was prerecorded on June 22. We will be discussing the momentous SCoTUS decision that overturned Roe v. Wade on Wednesday, June 29.**
New figures reveal that one in every five pregnancies was aborted in the United States in 2020, totaling more than 930,000 abortions...
Answers News for July 17, 2023
According to the Crown Prosecution Service, it is now considered domestic abuse‚ if you fail to pay for your partner's gender transition surgery. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Rob Webb, and Gabi Haynes share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians....
Answers News for July 20, 2022
A recent Gallup poll shows that only 20% of Americans believe this essential truth about the Bible. Find out what it is in this episode of Answers News where our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Kaia Kloster, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.
Answers News for July 25, 2022
There's a growing number of woke churches that believe that God is pro-choice. Some have gone as far as to say that the pro-life movement is a demonic agenda.‚ In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Kaia Kloster, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on the matter as...
Answers News for July 29, 2024
Elon Musk recently SHoCKED Christians in an interview he did with Jordan Peterson. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Dr. Marisa Tillery, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for July 31, 2023
Recently, the American Camping Association has adopted new policies based on gender identity theory and critical race theory. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for July 6, 2022
With secular science lacking answers to some of the most basic questions about how life came to be, an emerging group of scientists is calling for an overhaul of the mainstream evolutionary theory. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Jennifer Rivera, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne share t...
Answers News for July 8, 2024
Two genetic counselors recently wrote an article warning against the dangers of baby gender reveal parties. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created man i...
Answers News for June 10, 2024
A growing number of farmers are expecting RUINED crops right now for one big reason. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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While the earth remains, seedtime and harve...
Answers News for June 17, 2024
This new Massachusetts bill may potentially legalize the SELLING of babies. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me toget...
Answers News for June 19, 2023
Recently, at a church in Germany, a sermon was delivered by artificial intelligence. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Then God said, Let us make man in our imag...
Answers News for June 26, 2023
Certain Christian leaders have recently been attempting to fit LGBT ideologies into the Bible. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created man in his own ima...
Answers News for November 25, 2024
Evolutionists KEEP pushing this idea about dinosaurs despite there being ZERo evidence for it In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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"And God said, 'Let the earth brin...
Answers News for June 3, 2024
Medical professionals continue to uncover the horrifying consequences of transgender hormone therapy. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians. Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week. So God created man in his ow...
Answers News for June 5, 2023
There's been a new discovery about the Neanderthals that confirms the Bible! In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Avery Foley, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God creat...
Answers News for March 1, 2023
Recently, famous children's author Roald Dahl had several of his books rewritten to remove supposedly offensive language. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Patricia Engler, Georgia Purdom, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for March 11, 2024
Some recently leaked emails have shown us that top pro-LGBT doctors KNoW transgender hormones cause cancer and death. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God cre...
Answers News for March 18, 2024
The REAL reason France just made abortion a constitutional right will break your heart. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Jennifer Rivera, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Rocket Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for March 20, 2023
Big Bang scientists are scrambling to make sense of new evidence from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) that contradicts their predictions. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Dr. Gabi Haynes, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Answers News for March 25, 2024
A new poll reveals that while most Americans are religious, they feel silenced by the mainstream media. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for March 27, 2023
Recently, Richard Dawkins admitted that the Bible was right about how many sexes there are. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Avery Foley, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for March 7, 2024
Evolutionists are PANICKING over the latest coming extinction event,‚ but most Christians know better. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Jessica DeFord, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for March 8th, 2023
Jessa Duggar recently responded to leftists who claimed she had an abortion. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Rob Webb, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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For you f...
Answers News for May 13, 2024
Boy Scouts of America has made yet another terrible decision contributing to their tragic downfall. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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So God created man in his ow...
Answers News for May 20, 2024
Here's why atheists claim we caused this new kind of evolution.‚ In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jennifer Rivera, Tim Chaffey, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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While the ear...
Answers News for May 22, 2023
A recent study suggests advanced life forms peaked many, many years ago, but is that idea biblical? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Patricia Engler, and Jessica Jaworski share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for May 28, 2024
In a recent article from Sci News, evolutionists apparently haven't had much evidence to show how dinosaurs transitioned from scaled skin to feathers, but they believe a new rare find showcasing fossilized dinosaur skin can help them. How should Christians think about this? In this episode of Ans...
Answers News for May 30th, 2023
A recent survey done in Canada revealed that roughly one-third of Canadians were comfortable with prescribing assisted suicide to homeless people. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Roger Patterson, Patricia Engler, and Tim Chaffey share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing...
Answers News for May 6, 2024
The James Webb Telescope confirms the Bible, and atheists are scrambling to make sense of it. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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In the beginning, God created the ...
Answers News for November 11, 2024
Recently, a medical school in Canada has opened up about rejecting qualified applicants for being white In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Roger Patterson, Kevin Hadsall, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
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Answers News for November 13, 2023
A recent article outlines how Charles Darwin led the West into a dark age of eugenics. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Avery Foley, and Dr. Tim Chaffey share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblic...
Answers News for November 14, 2022
Evolutionists frequently observe tremendous complexity and order in the universe but never want anyone to believe God created it. The only problem is the mountain of evidence stacked against them. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing...
Answers News for November 18, 2024
Recently, scientists made some bold claims about one of Jesus' miracles In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jessica DeFord, Patricia Engler, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
"He said t...
Answers News for November 20, 2023
These scientists just predicted a number of ways humanity may end. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Jessica DeFord, Bryan Osborne, and Roger Patterson share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
While the ...
Answers News for September 11, 2023
Have scientists just discovered ancient dinosaur tracks? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Roger Patterson, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
And God made the b...
Answers News for November 27, 2023
These scientists believe these planets could have similar forms of life to earth. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Avery Foley share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content ev...
Answers News for November 28, 2022
LGBTQ+ activists have been pushing hard for puberty blockers, but even The New York Times is starting to understand how wrong it is. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Tim Chaffey, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.
Answers News for November 6, 2023
Archaeologists believe they may have just found the remains of Noah's ark in Turkey. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Patricia Engler, and Rocket Rob Webb share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical conten...
Answers News for october 10, 2022
A particular type of transgender surgery that amputates a female's breasts has SKYRoCKETED in recent years, and it's doing irreversible damage to minors. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Rob Webb, Dr. Kaia Kloster, and Dr. Georgia Purdom share their perspectives on this matter as Bible-...
Answers News for october 14, 2024
Pro abortionists are being sued for hiding the dangers of the abortion pill In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Dr. Gabriella Haynes, and Kevin Hadsall share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
... -
Answers News for october 16, 2023
These doctors booked this woman an abortion without even asking! In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Bryan Osborne, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Rob Webb, share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
For you form...
Answers News for october 17, 2022
The New Zealand government is now proposing a tax on cow urine and burps. They're doing this in an effort to slow climate change, but would it really be beneficial? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us f...
Answers News for october 21, 2024
This skeptic RIPPED on the biblical flood, but he's not realizing some important truths In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
"For behold, I will bring a flood of wat...
Answers News for october 23, 2023
Why is witchcraft and paganism making a CoMEBACK? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Jessica DeFord, Dr. Tim Chaffey, and Avery Foley, share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
oh, let the evil of the wic...
Answers News for october 24, 2022
A school sees a 582% increase in people identifying as non-binary. LGBTQ activists are thrilled, but the Bible clearly indicates that this is sinful. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Tim Chaffey, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-be...
Answers News for october 28, 2024
You will NoT believe what Andy Stanley just said in one of his recent sermons In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
"For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon t...
Answers News for october 30, 2023
Evolutionists have just CoMPLETELY changed their narrative on this. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Rob Webb, Roger Patterson, and Dr. Georgia Purdom, share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
The fool...
Answers News for october 31, 2022
A recent article from outlines evolutionists' latest theory on Mars. But they're getting one important detail wrong. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Rob Webb, Bryan Osborne, and Dr. Georgia Purdom share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.
... -
Answers News For october 7, 2024
There's a HUGE problem among evangelical Christians In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Dr. Tim Chaffey, Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
And he said to them, Go int...
Answers News for october 9, 2023
Words cannot fully express the egregious things Planned Parenthood does. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Dr. Gabi Haynes, Patricia Engler, and Dr. Georgia Purdom, share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every wee...
Answers News for September 12, 2022
Recently, archaeologists discovered a hadrosaur fossil so well-preserved that it blew their minds. Discoveries like these enable us to understand dinosaurs so much better. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Ken Ham, Dr. Kaia Kloster, and Bryan Osborne share their perspectives on the matte...
Answers News for September 16, 2024
This pastor tragically abandoned his church to do some evil things In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
"Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising over...
Answers News for September 19, 2022
Are humans descendants of neanderthals? A recent article by speculates on human and neanderthal hybridization, but does that theory line up with the Bible? In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Roger Patterson, Tim Chaffey, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on the matter as Bibl...
Answers News for September 23, 2024
The Pope recently made a controversial claim that all religions lead to God In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Marissa Tillery, and Patricia Engler share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content eve...
Answers News for September 25, 2023
Secularists are attempting to redefine monogamy. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Jessica DeFord, Bryan Osborne, and Patricia Engler, share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
To the married I give this...
Answers News for September 26, 2022
Pollster George Barna says that only 6% of Americans have a biblical worldview, putting the nation in a spiritual crisis. Instead of believing the Bible, most Americans are blending various beliefs together. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Patricia Engler, and Rob ...
Answers News for September 3, 2024
Paleontologists recently discovered dinosaur footprints on opposite sides of the Atlantic ocean that match up almost perfectly. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe to us for more biblical content every week.
Answers News for September 30, 2024
Roger Patterson. Jessica DeFord, Kevin Hadsall
ProPublica claimed Georgia's pro-life law was responsible for the death of Amber Thurman In this episode of Answers News, our hosts share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.Subscribe to us for more biblical content ever...
Answers News for September 9, 2024
Recently, archeologists discovered an artifact believed to be approximately 2,700-years-old and confirm biblical heritage In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Gabi Haynes, Dr. Jennifer Rivera, and Tim Chaffey share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.
Subscribe t...
Answers TV Trailer
Need answers? Get equipped to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of God's Word with live and on-demand video content from Answers in Genesis, the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and other Ministries worldwide. Sign up today:
Ape-men, Adam, and the Gospel - Dr. Terry Mortenson
How does your view of human origins impact your view of the gospel?
Ape-men: The Grand Illusion
Dr. Mortenson explains why we should view the theory of human evolution not as scientific but rather as a grand illusion, really a scientific fraud. We do not need to try to fit (and, in fact, cannot fit) the claims of evolutionists into the Bible. Rather, what the Bible teaches about the origin ...
April 2022: African Crowned Cranes
2022 April: Meet Shiloh & Salem! our African Crowned Cranes live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
April 2023: Power over Death
Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life.[a] Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live." John 11:25 (ESV)
April 2024: A Baby's Lifeline
The placenta and the umbilical cord are very important structures that serve as the baby's lifeline.
Dr. Kaia Kloster presents the late Dr. David Menton's discussion of the placenta; the unsung hero of embryology. The functions the placenta performs to sustain the baby are vast. Dr. Menton lik...
Are People Born Gay? (2019) - Dr. Georgia Purdom
We need to lovingly show that, regardless of feelings, the choice to embrace any sexual lifestyle other than God's design for marriage is sin, and as with any sin, the only hope for deliverance is the redeeming work of God's grace offered through his Son Jesus Christ.
ARJ Main Page Welcome
Andrew Snelling Welcomes you to the Answers Research Journal web site and explains why the site exists.
ARJ Main Page Welcome-1
Used on the main home page of
ARJ Snelling Bio
Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. He serves as Answers in Genesis' Director of Research and is the Editor-in-Chief of the online Answers Research Journal. Dr. Snelling is active in research and writes and also speaks on topics such as the Flood, ...
ARJ Snelling Bio
Uses on the About Us Bio page of
August 2022: Kinkajous
2022 August: Meet Tiki! our kinkajou lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
August 2023: Sacrifice of the Savior
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24 (ESV)
August 2024: A Unique Identifier
Dr. Jennifer Rivera discusses the further transformation of the skin as the baby develops in the womb. The outside layer of the baby's skin is smooth until around week 10 when a deeper layer of skin starts growing faster than the layers above it, making it buckle and fold. God designed the patte...
Avery & Bryan Introduce ABCH
Avery Foley and Bryan Osborne introduce Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. our timeline helps your students understand God's Word.
Behind the Experience Promo
Behind the Experience
Biblical Christianity
What are the essentials of biblical Christianity?
Biblical Education At Home
Dr. Dana Sneed, a curriculum writer and editor with AiG, re-wrote the lessons from ABC for Sunday School for ABC for Homeschool. She shares what you can expect with ABC for Homeschool.
Body of Evidence Trailer
Finally you can explore human anatomy and physiology in a Creator-honoring way! Former medical university professor Dr. Menton takes two teens on a teaching-tour through the major systems of the body.
Borderland April 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland August 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland December 2024
Coming Soon
Borderland December 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland February 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland January 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland January 2026
Coming Soon
Borderland July 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland June 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland May 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland November 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland October 2025
Coming Soon
Borderland September 2025
Coming Soon
Building the Exhibits of Ark Encounter Trailer
From meticulously designed lifelike animals to thought provoking mini-documentaries, the world class exhibits at the Ark Encounter are truly remarkable!
Celebration of Life - Patrick Marsh
The creative genius behind the incredible buildings and exhibits enjoyed by millions at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, Patrick Marsh, passed away December 2, 2021, at age 77. A world-renowned art director, Patrick's previous designs included the popular Jaws and King Kong attractions at U...
Check This out Trailer
You've never seen the creation issue addressed quite this way before! If you want teaching that is fun and exciting, you need Check This out!
Christmas with Ken & Buddy Trailer
Laugh, sing-along, and learn with Ken Ham and Buddy Davis as they present a fun Christmas variety show, shot live before hundreds of guests at the Creation Museum's annual Christmas outreach.
Coming Soon: Answers for Evangelism Webinar
What is evangelism? Why is it seemingly so scary? How can we engage people with the message of the Gospel, and how can we be ready for their responses? We are delighted to bring you six LIVE presentations (and a special Q&;A session) featuring six speakers involved in various aspects of evangelis...
Coming Soon: Demolishing Arguments Webinar 2021
The belief in evolution and millions of years not only dominates the world's thinking but sadly the thinking of many in the church as well. The Demolishing Arguments' webinar conference will respond to these evolutionary ideas with talks addressing theistic evolution, human origins and purpose, ...
Contending For Society - Trailer
our UK Team hosted a webinar that addressed major societal issues we face today. What does the Bible have to say about morality? When does life begin? What about climate change, homosexuality, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and racism? How do we share the gospel in a post-Christian culture? These ...
Creation Cooking Teaser
Premiering November 20th. Creation Cooking is a vibrant and fun culinary arts series streaming exclusively on Answers.TV. Each episode will take a deep dive into one plant ingredient. With host Lydia Keating, discover the history and health benefits of that plant, and how to use it in two delicio...
Creation Museum - Prepare to Believe
Bible history comes to life at the Creation Museum! This family-friendly attraction near Cincinnati explores creation science with stunning exhibits, dinosaur bones, fossils, botanical gardens, a planetarium, zoo, zip line course, and more.
December 2021: Southern Armadillos
2021 December: Meet Pebbles! our three-banded armadillo lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
December 2022: Leopard Gecko
2022 December: Meet Molly and Sally! our common leopard geckos live in the Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
December 2022: The Son of God
And the angel answered her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holythe Son of God. Luke 1:35 (ESV)
December 2023: First Adam and Last Adam
For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
1 Corinthians 15:21 - 22 (ESV) -
December 2023: John Leaped for Joy
John's ministry began much earlier than when he was preaching and baptizing; it began in the womb as he leaped when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary as told in Luke 1:41-44.
The account of John, Elizabeth, Mary and Jesus is yet another scripture that highlights the humanity of the unborn. ...
December 2024: The Most Famous Birth
Bryan Osborne speaks about the most famous birth in history. The birth of Jesus fulfilled many prophesies, such as told in Micah 5:2, "The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem" and Isaiah 7:14, "behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." His birth fulfilled ...
Dedication: New Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Exhibit from Creation Museum (2020)
This new exhibit will challenge the culture regarding the abortion issue with the truth from God's Word that we're created fearfully and wonderfully in God's image. It will show that life begins at fertilization as each individual begins with a unique combination of DNA from mother and fatherthat...
Defending a Young Earth Promo
Dig for Dinosaurs This Summer!
Join us July 26-30 in Glendive, Montana. Register by June 30th. -
Dismantled Evolution Trailer
Education systems and the media have repeatedly told us that humans and all living creatures evolved from a single-celled organism through random copying errors in the DNA (called mutations) and the reproductive filter of natural selection. This allegedly occurred over billions of years through u...
Eugenics, Abortion, and our Future: The Quest for Perfection
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.‚ Sadly, our culture is poised to repeat a grave error in the most serious of areashuman life.
A tragic chapter in history began in the early 1900s with the rise of the eugenics (which means well-born‚) movement. Many prominent philan...
Exclusive Red Carpet Event with Cast & Crew: october 5
Alex Kendrick &; Ken Ham discuss a unique event on Tuesday, october 5th, 2021. Everyone attending our Raising Godly Generations conference gets to see the exclusive red-carpet screening of the Kendrick Brothers' film: "Courageous: Legacy." This re-cut, 10th anniversary film, will encourage father...
Explore our inside aquarium at the Creation Museum
Explore our inside aquarium at the Creation Museum
February 2022: Black and White Tegus
2022 February: Meet RJ! our Argentine Black and White Tegu lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
February 2023: Early Life of Jesus
After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. Luke 2:46 - 47 (ESV)
February 2024: Journey to the Womb
Life begins at the moment of fertilization and the baby, at this point, is called an embryo. The embryo continues to divide as he/she travels to and is implanted into the mother's uterus.
Dr. Georgia Purdom presents the late Dr. David Menton's discussion of the journey of the embryo through t...
Fire at the Creation Kingdom Zoo
A fire is devastating. However, a fire that happens during the Christmas season after unprecedented hurricane damage is especially heartbreaking. If you are able, please consider donating to help in the recovery efforts of the Bradley family and The Creation Kingdom Zoo. Visit their website and c...
Genesis, Babel & the Chinese Language - Dr. Andy McIntosh
If the Tower of Babel really took place, do we have any evidence today? Dr. McIntosh reveals some astonishing evidence that biblical events are recorded within the written language of ancient China!
Genesis, Foundations, and Races, Part 2 - Ken Ham
Darwin, evolution, and racismand the biblical answer.
Genesis, Foundations, and Races, Part 1 - Ken Ham
Genetics confirms there biologically only one race of humans. Ken Ham presents part one of "Genesis, Foundations, and Races."
Global Warming Trailer
Discover the truth about global warming and the science and politics surrounding it. Compelling graphics, on-location interviews and information you're unlikely to hear from the secular media!
Gospel Reset - Ken Ham
Ken Ham teaches from Acts 2 and Acts 17 at the Answers for Pastors conference. Discover how to be more effective in reaching the lost with the truth of the gospel!
Grace Not Race Relations - Dr. Charles Ware
We hear a lot about race relations.‚ But maybe that's not what we really need.
Happy Hearts
Happy Hearts
Hike & Seek - Season 2 Trailer
Explore all four seasons throughout the year and learn how creatures migrate, forage, and hibernate.
Homemade Music Log Cabin Recordings by Buddy Davis Trailer
Get ready to tap your toes! In this fun new music video, singer-song writer Buddy Davis cooks up an "oven load" of homemade songs. Every emotion-touching tune was recorded in Buddy's 180-year-old log cabin, or a tiny country church nearby.
Hike and Seek Trailer
God's creation is full of incredible creatures. Prepare to get your boots muddy as you join filmmaker Peter Schriemer in an exploration of God's world. Meet creatures from your own backyard or far-flung places as you hike and seek what he has made.
Homeschool with Answers Bible Curriculum!
Ken talks with the team that developed the new Answers Bible Curriculum for Homeschool. We took feedback from our users then customized this resource to help you teach apologetics and a biblical worldview to your children.
Homeschooling with
Dr. Purdom and Dr. Rivera guide you through the streaming platform and the on-demand educational video content provided by Answers in Genesis and other valued partners. Learn about Unlocking Science, out and About, and many more programs to enhance homeschool learning.
How Did All the Animals Fit on the Ark?
So many animal species exist in the world could Noah have possibly fit them all on his Ark? Does the Bible provide answers? Yes! In this lecture, we will discuss the biblical history of the animals on Noah's Ark. How did they all fit? How did Noah's family care for them? Why didn't th...
I Wish the World Could Love Like Them - Buddy Davis
Buddy Davis sings I Wish the World Could Love Like Them.
IncrediWorld VBS: Extreme Animals & Invisible Air
See Buddy Davis' Incredible Animals plus Dr. Mister's Incredible Lab. These are just a small sample of the free resources available with our IncrediWorld VBS. You can access the entire program at:
Please help us continue to share the gospel around the world: https://A...
Inside the Kangaroo Walkabout
Walk about with kangaroos at the Ark Encounter with us.
It Can't Be That Big! (The Giraffe Family)
George believes some things that he has never actually investigated.
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What a blessing! The Ark Encounter &; The Creation Museum are opened.our themed attractions will conduct temperature tests of staff, regularly clean and sanitize facilities, outfit employees with masks, a...
January 2022: Aoudads
2022 January: Learn about aoudads! Goat mountain is home to the Barbary Sheep that live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
January 2023: Dromedaries
2023 January: Meet Gomer! our dromedary lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
January 2023: Announcement of the Shepherds
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!‚ Luke 2:13 - 14 (ESV)
January 2024: A Human Life Begins
Life begins at the moment of fertilization, as the mother's and father's DNA combine to make a unique individual, made in the image of God.
Dr. Georgia Purdom presents the late Dr. David Menton's discussion of the journey of the egg and sperm to the moment of fertilization. Dr. Menton makes the...
January 2025: A New Birth
Bryan Osborne reflects on how God has Fearfully and Wonderfully Made us in the womb. At the end of 9 months, the baby is matured to the point where he or she joins the outside world through birth. God's handiwork in our growth and maturity does not end there. While God continues to grow us physi...
January 2024: The New Jerusalem
For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. Revelation 21:2 (ESV)
July 2022: Red Kangaroos
2022 July: Meet Naamah and Ruby! our red kangaroos live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
Journey Through the Ark Encounter - Trailer
Experience the 510-foot-long reconstruction of Noah's ark with filmmaker Peter Schriemer. Discover behind-the-scenes facts about this architectural wonder, get answers to your questions about the ark, flood, and animals from the world-class exhibits, and discover the jaw-dropping size of this eno...
Journey Through the Creation Museum Trailer
over the years, the artwork and displays at the Creation Museum have changed.
Many of our friends and supporters are unable to travel to Kentucky to see the Creation Museum with their own eyes. Many more are deciding how to spend their vacation. This thirty minute walk-through gives you a taste ...
July 2023: Power over the Supernatural
And the demons begged him, saying, If you cast us out, send us away into the herd of pigs.‚ And he said to them, Go.‚ So they came out and went into the pigs, and behold, the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the waters. Matthew 8:31 - 32 (ESV)
July 2024: A Working Brain
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the baby's development of the central nervous system and the brain. Development of the central nervous system begins as early as 3 weeks after fertilization. At 6 weeks, electrical activity begins in the brain. The brain triples in size during the third trimester in th...
June 2022: Alpacas
2022 June: Meet Alfonzo and Frodo! our alpacas live in the Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
June 2023: Power over Physical Ailments
When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Matthew 14:14 (ESV)
June 2024: A Beating Heart
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the remarkable development of the heart in the womb, and the transformation that occurs once the baby is born.
By day 22, the baby has a detectable heartbeat. By week 8, the heart looks and functions very much as it will at birth. While in the womb, the baby's lungs ...
Junior Meets Himself
la Conferencia del oso Introduccion
Video de Introduccion (~2 Minutos)
Que es la Conferencia del oso? -
Lily's Lab Promo 1
Premiering November 7th ‚ √Ѭ¢ Do you like asking questions and finding answers? Are there things that you've always wondered about but never known where, or even how, to ask? If so, you're in luck because you're just like Lily the Leaellynasaura (LEE-ELL-IN-a-SoRE-a), the truth-loving dinosaur. ...
Living Quarters
Living Quarters at the Ark Encounter
Llamas, Alpacas, and Camels
Llamas, Alpacas, and Camels
March 2022: Four-toed Hedgehogs
2022 March: Meet Lily and Tulip! our African pygmy hedgehogs live at the Creation Museum.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
March 2023: Fishers of Men
And Jesus said to them, Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.‚ Mark 1:17 (ESV)
March 2024: A Forever Family
Bryan and Marla Osborne share their story of how God spoke to their hearts and brought their children, Ian and Macy, to their family through adoption. They describe adoption as a beautiful picture of the gospel of Jesus Christ to be able to pour out God's love to someone and become their forever...
Marks of a Cult
What makes a cult a cult and how can we share the gospel with those trapped in one?
May 2023: Power over the Natural World
And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. Matthew 14:25 (ESV)
May 2022: Ring-tailed Lemurs
2022 May: Meet the Eight Kings! our ring-tailed lemurs live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
May 2024: The Largest organ
The skin begins to form very early, around 5-8 weeks after fertilization and it is the largest organ. The skin continues to grow with the body and replaces cells, when needed, to keep a healthy covering over the body.
Dr. Kaia Kloster presents the late Dr. David Menton's discussion of the skin; ...
New Beginning Trailer
This stirring, new, historical drama looks at the biblical account of Noah's flood from the viewpoint of Shem's wife.
Noah's Ark: Thinking outside the Box Trailer
This is a groundbreaking video about the construction and seaworthiness of the ark that Noah built. Featuring ark expert Tim Lovett plus striking animations and eye-opening documentary-style interviews, "Noah's Ark: Thinking outside the Box" answers questions that have prevented many from accepti...
November 2022: Eurasian Eagle owls
2022 November: Meet Luna! our Eurasian Eagle owl lives in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
November 2023: The Ascension
And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. Acts 1:9 (ESV)
November 2024: The Son's Arrival
Avery Foley reflects on Christ and why he came to earth as the baby in a manger. God's Son did not arrive on earth that first Christmas night. He arrived about 9 months earlier when he was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was fully God and fully man at the moment of fertilizati...
Ocean Explorers Trailer
Mr. &; Mrs. Brown...have been bringing God's creation under the ocean to children and adults nationwide for over 30 years. They are experts on the ocean environment with over 40 years of experience exploring the oceans of the world. Wayne and Karen bring their expertise as marine researchers, Arc...
October 2022: Zebroids
2022 october: Meet Zoe and Cletus! our zebroids live in the Ararat Ridge Zoo at the Ark Encounter.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
October 2023: Jesus Appears To Thomas
Thomas answered him, My Lord and my God!‚ Jesus said to him, Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.‚ John:28 - 29 (ESV)
October 2024: Fullness of Development
The baby's lungs are the last to develop. In the final weeks before birth, the baby's lungs and brain are fully mature.
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the final trimester and the development of all the finishing touches; the hair comes in, the eyes open, fatty deposits begin to accumulate under the...
One Blood, One Race: The origin of Races‚ (2021)
Because much of the church has adopted the secular world's teachings regarding the different races‚ and has not accepted the Biblical view, most Christians have lost a vital truth concerning the Scriptural teaching on the two spiritual races (but only one physical race), as opposed to the false i...
One Race, one Blood: Biblical and Scientific Answers Trailer
How should Christians deal with issues of racism?
One-of-a-Kind Homeschool Event at the Ark
Join Ken Ham, Zan Tyler, Heidi St. John, Michael Farris, and Israel Wayne at the Ark Encounter in May 2022 at this unique homeschool event: "Building Strong Foundations: A Family Homeschool Experience"
Tour the life-size Ark Encounter with exclusive after-hours access, meet the animals in Arara...
Part Two: Reconciled in Christ - Voddie Bauchum
We can only be truly reconciled to each other, when we are first reconciled to God through Christ.
Patricia Engler: The Adventure of Thinking Biblically
Rooted in Rational Faith: The Adventure of Thinking Biblically
4:30 p.m. Patricia Engler -
Prayerfully Consider a Donation of Support to the Calling of Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis is called to impact families and communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. our mission is to share Biblical truth, and we do so through a variety of outreaches. We have brought the Bible's pages to life through the Ark Encountera life-size replica of Noah's arkand the Creati...
Preview: Noah's Ark & The Global Flood Webinar
If there really was a worldwide flood, what would the evidence be? How could Noah fit the animals on the ark? Why weren't more than eight people saved? This special conference will tackle many common misconceptions by looking at the Bible for answers about the size of the ark, the number of anima...
Proclaiming Christ Publicly
Joe Bailey shares his experience of proclaiming Christ in the public arena.
Learn more about Joe Bailey:
Learn more about Simon Turpin: -
Religion and Work
Despite its claims to an exalted position of religious neutrality, secular relativism is self-refuting because it clearly has absolute intent - to control the whole playing field. We must expose secularism's self-deception and confront our culture with biblical truth.
S1E1 Hope: The Prophecy Candle
Christmas is the biggest Christian holiday of the year, but sometimes it can be easy to be distracted or simply go through the motions. That is why it is so important to focus on the reason for our joy as believers. Advent is a Christmas tradition that keeps our eyes fixed on Christ - as well as ...
S1E1 Slide Preparation
A production for Answers University. Learn about Microscopic Anatomy with Dr. Menton. In this episode Dr. Menton teaches on slide preparation.
S1E1 The Lobby Aquarium
The lobby aquarium at the Creation Museum is a favorite spot for kids and adults! In this episode, we'll pull back the curtain and explore how our dedicated staff help clean and maintain the aquarium and keep the environment healthy for a variety of aquatic creatures.
Learn what it took to upgra...
S1E1 The Question of origins: Why It Matters Part 1
What is happening in America and the rest of the Western world? Moral insanity, censorship of truth, and loss of liberty prevails. Why? How did we get here? Many Christians today think that the question of origins (and especially the age of the earth) is an unimportant side issue, which can dist...
S1E1 Tilt Shift "Free Guy"
Join Tim Chaffey and Bryan Osborne as they discuss the philosophies presented in the movie "Free Guy".
Biblical world views, gender roles, critical race theory, and morality are a few of the ideas discussed in this episode. "Free Guy", released in 2021 by 20th Century Studios, is the focus on t...
S1E1 When Did Time Begin?
Today's question is from Sarah, age 10. When Did Time Begin?
In the beginning there was nothing when God created our universe by his Word. So, when did time begin? Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible in Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 11:3.
S1E1 Two Religions - Ken Ham
There are only two religions in the world! Ken Ham explains the importance of recognizing this and its impact on our everyday lives as followers of Jesus Christ.
S1E10 Materialism & Naturalism - Dr. Tommy Mitchell
Dr. Tommy Mitchell explores the many shortcomings in this "matter is all that matters" worldview to help you relate the hope of the gospel.
S1E11 The Bankruptcy of Atheism (2017) - Mark Spence
Mark Spence will show you how atheists rely on faith, which will help you point them to their need for Jesus.
S1E12 Buddhism - Dr. Thane Hutcherson Ury
You may picture a chubby statue of a man sitting cross-legged in meditation, but that is a big misunderstanding of who the Buddha was and what he taught. Discover the truth and how to point Buddhists towards the gospel in this presentation.
S1E13 Hinduism
Dr. Carl Broggi will equip you with a basic understanding of what Hinduism teaches and give you a great advantage in communicating the gospel.
S1E14 The New Age Movement
In this video, Dr. Ron Rhodes will help you understand some of the big-picture concepts of the New Age movement and how they contradict the Bible.
S1E16 Confucianism
Blending forms of Eastern thought makes this system distinct from biblical Christianity, yet the similarities offer Christians a bridge to share the gospel.
S1E17 Witchcraft & Paganism
Many people are seeking to build their own religion. Find out how to connect these people to the source of truth, Jesus Christ.
S1E2 Biblical Christianity - Dr. Corey Abney
What sets biblical Christianity apart from all other religions? Dr. Corey Abney explains how knowing the true religion is the key to spotting false religions and cults.
S1E2 Tilt Shift "A Quiet Place"
The value of family, sanctity of life, and other topics are discussed in this episode which focuses on the 2018 film "A Quiet Place".
S1E3 Tilt Shift "Ghostbusters Afterlife"
The meaning of life, woke ideology, and the supernatural are some of the topics discussed on this episode of Tilt Shift.
S1E37 Keeping It Clean
Will Carol train Ken to KaiBosh a bathroom? Carol leads our award winning housekeeping team. You'll appreciate the equipment, solutions and essential work they do to keep the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum clean and safe for our staff and guests.
Photo by lyperzyt from Pixabay
https://pixa... -
S1E4 Tilt Shift Then & Now-"Beauty and The Beast"
on this episode of Tilt Shift, Tim and Bryan dig into both versions of "Beauty and the Beast" to find out what the differences are between then and now.
S1E44 New online Courses!
Ken Ham talks to Roger Patterson about our new World Religions and Cults online courses.
For more information:
S1E47 Encounter the Wonder (2019)
Prepare to be captivated as a world-class animated program delivers a powerful message of hope for all.
S1E5 Jehovah's Witnesses - Dr. Ron Rhodes
You will benefit from Dr. Rhodes' decades of experience and research that will help you distinguish biblical truth from cultic error. Gain confidence to speak gospel truth the next time a Jehovah's Witness comes to your door.
S1E5 Tilt Shift Woke Women Vs. Strong Women
Tim and Bryan look at numerous films to demonstrate the difference between strong women and woke women and how those ideas are presented on this special edition of Tilt Shift.
S1E51 Tools for Parents
Ken and Dale announce a special offer designed to help you pass a godly legacy to your children. Get Ken's new book along with our 10 Minute Bible Journey family devotions as part of our Will They Stand Parenting Action Pack. -
S1E6 Sharing the Gospel with Mormons - Roger Patterson
Do the Mormons actually have new truth about Jesus not contained in the Bible? While many of the words sound the same, Mormon doctrine strays far from biblical truth. Learn how to share the rest Christ offers to Mormons.
S1E6 Tilt Shift "Jurassic Park"
Tim and Bryan discuss the evolutionary thought and ideas presented in the Jurassic Park film trilogy.
S1E7 Always Ready, Part 1
Part 1: In these two segments, Ken Ham shares proven ideas and the basics of apologetics to affirm the truth of the Bible in our modern age. This presentation will embolden you to share your faith with others! (2 parts)
S1E8 Always Ready, Part 2
Part 2: In these two segments, Ken Ham shares proven ideas and the basics of apologetics to affirm the truth of the Bible in our modern age. This presentation will embolden you to share your faith with others! (2 parts)
S1E7 Sharing the Gospel with Muslims - Roger Patterson
While they believe that there is one true God, Muslims reject Jesus as the Savior that can bring them eternal life and rest from their striving. Join Roger Patterson as he explains this and equips you to share the gospel with Muslims.
S1E7 Tilt Shift "The Last Jedi"
on this episode of Tilt Shift, Tim and Bryan dig deep into the 2017 Star Wars film, The Last Jedi and point out some of the issues the film presents.
S1E8 Tilt Shift "Avengers: Endgame"
Join Tim and Bryan as they break down some of the themes and ideas presented in the MCU film, Avengers: Endgame.
S1E9 Secular Humanism - Todd Friel
Popular apologist Todd Friel takes you on a breakneck 6,000-year tour to equip you to answer the questions secular humanism persistently asks.
S2E1 2021 Here We Stand
Ken declares our allegiance to Jesus Christ, and to the authority of His Word regardless of political and cultural changes in 2021. During this Answers in Genesis staff meeting, Ken boldly affirms our statement of faith. We will continue to take public stands for a young earth, a global flood, bi...
S2E1 Fall Migration
Journey through the season of fall with host Peter Schriemer to discover the seasons, the reasons, and the ways that creatures migrate in the fall. Let it remind you of how God guides us on our journeys in life and meet some amazing migrating creatures - like geese, cranes, vultures, birds of pre...
S2E1 Tilt Shift "The Bad Guys"
Welcome back for a new season of Tilt Shift! Join Tim and Bryan as they discuss some of the philosophies presented in the animated film, The Bad Guys.
S2E10 Rainbow Arch Ribbon Cutting
June 1, 2021, ribbon cutting and dedication of our new Rainbow Arch at the Ark Encounter.
S2E11 Meet the Binturong and Porcupines with Ken Ham & Leanne
Join Ken Ham and Senior Zoo Manager Leanne as they meet the Ararat Zoo's latest addition: a Palawan binturong, or bearcat. "Rikki" the binturong is enjoying her new home at the zoo. Ken and Leanne also explore the new exhibit for the African crested porcupines as well as the Animal Actor Stage, w...
S2E12 Divided Nation has arrived!
Bryan talks with Ken about the new book, Divided Nation. The battle between God's Word and man's word has been waged for thousands years. Which side are you on?
In Divided Nation, all illustrations are in color with links so you can aquire the slides to use when you teach in churches, homes, and...
S2E14 Israel in the Time of Jesus Exhibit Ribbon Cutting at the Creation Museum
Join us as we open "BoRDERLAND: Israel at the Time of Jesus" our newest exhibit at the Creation Museum.
S2E16 Alex Kendrick & Ken Ham at Ararat Ridge Zoo
Join actor and director Alex Kendrick and Ken Ham as they pet a wallaby, see baby emus, and check out a few of the 200+ animals at Ararat Ridge Zoo with Animal Presenter Karina Altman at the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. Alex and Ken also discuss the upcoming red carpet movie screening of C...
S2E17 Behind the Scenes w Ken Ham: A Wild Encounter the Wild Brothers
Ken Ham chats with Hudson, Kian, and Asher Wild of The Wild Brothers about missionary life, modern missions, unreached peoples, why they created their popular reality show, future plans, and more. It's a fun interview with behind-the-scenes stories and a wonderful perspective from three godly you...
S2E19 "Long Foretold" A Christmas Play Like No other
Learn about this unique children's Christmas play for churches and Christian schools. In this delightful children's program, many questions are answered as the wise men discover the truth about the bright shining star they are following.
Learn more: ... -
S2E20 Scoffers of Creation and the Flood
Creation isn't just‚ a Genesis issue! In a new book, Scoffers: Responding to Those Who Deliberately overlook Creation and the Flood, Simon Turpin, director of AiG - UK/Europe, examines 2 Peter 3 exegetically, skillfully and powerfully defending the truth of God's Word in Genesis, and our confiden...
S2E22 Heidi St. John is Coming to the Family Homeschool Experience at the Ark!
Heidi St. John talks to Ken Ham about this exciting event! During this unique experience, tour the life-size Ark Encounter with exclusive after-hours access; meet the animals in Ararat Ridge Zoo; walk through history in the Creation Museum; have a mom's night out‚; and relax while enjoying concer...
S2E23 See the Giant Baby, and What's Coming Next at the Creation Museum
Join Ken Ham and lead designer Allen Greene as they discuss the construction of the expanded, permanent Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum, set to open in 2022.
The Bible informs us that every human being, from the moment of fertilization, is made in God's image. Thi... -
S2E24 Producer Stephen Kendrick at the Ark in 2022
Ken Ham speaks with screenwriter and producer Stephen Kendrick about next year's Answers for Pastors and Leaders conference.
Stephen Kendrick has dedicated his life to serving Jesus Christ and to making Him known around the world. He is a co-writer for the screenplays and books and the producer...
S2E3 Sense-ers
It's Schus off! Gameshow‚! Will Trevor be able to get enough answers right, using his senses of sight, taste, and smell, to win the fabulous grand prize? Guess along with Trevor and meet some amazing creature friends during this gameshow special.
S2E3 Why Giraffes?
Ken goes behind-the-scenes with Brent Huffman from JDA to discuss our animated giraffe family. on the second deck of the Ark, we take a break from shooting three upcoming commercials to talk about how an these giraffes help us proclaim the message God has given us to share with the world.
S2E4 Meet Junior's Voice!
Ken and Brent introduce you to Jackson, the voice of Junior Giraffe
S2E5 Complicated Art
Brandon and Brent explain how they place animated characters into the real world for our giraffe commercials.
S2E6 Jobs, jobs jobs!
Jobs, jobs, and more jobs at the Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, and Ark Encounter!
April 20th Job Fair:
open Interviews at the Ark
Full list of open positions: -
S3E1 What's Coming to the Ark for 2022
From the top deck of Ark take a Behind the Scenes tour with Ken Ham, CEo and Founder of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Ken shares the new attractions and expansions coming to the Ark Encounter for 2022.
S3E2 Visit the Greenhouses of the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham
Join Ken Ham and Tim Schmitt for a Behind the Scenes Tour of the Greenhouses of the Ark Encounter
S3E3 See the Newly Updated Palm Plaza
Allen Greene, AIG's Attractions Design Director, and Ken Ham go behind the scenes at the Creation Museum to take a sneak peek at the new and expanded pro-life exhibit, "Fearfully & Wonderfully Made," and the upgrade of Palm Plaza.
This new exhibit opens in october! -
Schus off! Season 2 Trailer
Ready for more explorations in God's creation? Season 2 of Schus off! is coming soon! Join Trevor as he gets ready for this exciting new season (and find out how you can appear in the show!).
Schus off! Submit Your Video For Season 2, follow the link below: -
Schus off! Trailer
Family, Fun, Creatures and Creation.
The Schus are off on an exploration in God's creation! Join Trevor and Avery Schu, along with their kids, as they meet some incredible creatures and discover basic creation and biblical truths.
Science Confirms the Bible Again in Ground-Breaking Grand Canyon Research
Science always confirms the Bible because the Bible's history is true. And a four-year, in-depth research project by a world-class PhD geologist, Dr. Andrew Snelling, once again confirms what we'd expect starting with God's Wordand confounds evolutionary expectations.
Dr. Snelling, who has a PhD...
Searching for a King Trailer
Join Jeremy and Barry on an adventure as they travel around Israel looking for evidence of the United Kingdom of Israel. They talk with archaeologists and experts on the period of the kings and explore the places where the events of 1-2 Samuel would have occurred.
September 2022: Asian Forest Scorpions
2022 September: Meet Snuggles! our Asian forest scorpion lives in the Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum.
Watch all of our 2022 calendar videos! -
September 2023: The Resurrection of the Savior
And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. Matthew 28:2 & 4 (ESV)
September 2024: Preparing for the First Meal
Dr. Kaia Kloster discusses the nutritional needs and development of the baby's digestive system. The developing baby needs nutrition from the point of fertilization; long before the digestive system is fully developed and God has provided the sources of nutrition that flows seamlessly from fertil...
The Creation of Christmas Promo
Premiering November 28th. The Christmas season is often called the most wonderful time of the year‚ and it's filled with remarkable history, family celebrations, and joyful carols. Join Peter Schriemer as he explores the history behind the traditions of Advent and the candles that represent hope...
The Bad News . . . and the Good News
The rebellion of Adam against God's command brought death, suffering, and separation from God into this world. The good news is God has done something about it.
Death is inescapable. Ten out of ten people will die. No one knows how many days are appointed for them by God. If you died to...
The Building of the Ark Encounter Trailer
Come along on a journey of many years from the first brainstorming plan in 2004 to the grand opening in July 2016 of the Ark Encounter!
The Gladys Aylward Story - Trailer
With war raging about her and soldiers closing in, this brave missionary sets out on the most difficult journey of her life: a 100-mile trek over the mountains to a safe haven. But it's not her own safety that concerns this little woman with big faith; it's the safety of the 100 orphans in her ca...
The Genesis Account of Noah's Ark - Trailer
The idea of a man building a giant boat to rescue humanity has been the subject of much interest and scrutiny, and Noah and his Ark have been represented in many different ways throughout human history. The Ark is a common target for those who wish to mock a plain reading of the Bible. Even withi...
The Genetics of Adam & Eve
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Join Dr. Georgia Purdom as she delves into the genetics behind humanity.
The Gospel to All Nations: Re-Hitching‚ Missions to Genesis - Joe owen
Do we need the old Testament to share the gospel or just the resurrection of Christ?
The Jim Elliot Story - Trailer
Jim Elliot has spent his youth preparing to share the Gospel with those who'd never heard it, but nothing could have prepared him for the dangers he faces in the jungles of Ecuador. The remote Waodoni tribe is suspicious and antagonistic when the missionaries begin to fly over their territory wit...
The John Bunyan Story - Trailer
John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. Living in the cold, stone cell is the price he pays for going against the established state religion. If only he would agree to stop preaching, John could walk out a free man! Why does he choose to stay in jail, and how ...
The New Answers Trailer
Learn the quick answers to common questions such as:
- Where did Cain get his wife?,‚ "is natural selection the same thing as evolution?," and "what really happened to the dinosaurs?"
- Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible?," "did humans evolve from ape-like creatures?," and "does radiometric dat... -
The Richard Wurmbrand Story - Trailer
In war-torn Romania, there is only one way for churches to get the protection of the government: give their support and allegiance to the communists who are in control. Instead, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand chooses to speak up for Christ, thereby placing his own life and the lives of his family in gr...
Three Ways to Make an Ape-Man (2021)
We've been told that humans evolved from ape-like creatures, and fossils like Lucy‚ are touted as being ape-men,‚ or links, in the evolutionary chain. Join Dr. David Menton as he explains the three ways that facts must be twisted in order to call fossil remains an ape-man. Dr. Menton will teach y...
We're one Blood Music Video - Buddy Davis
Buddy Davis sings We're one Blood.
Tilt Shift Season 2 Promo
This isn't your typical movie review show-we're not saying that you should or shouldn't watch the films we review, several websites do that already. Instead, we're examining the ideas and philosophies found in these movies from a Biblical perspective to help shift your thinking to align with the...
Tilt Shift Season 3 Promo
This isn't your typical movie review show-we're not saying that you should or shouldn't watch the films we review, several websites do that already. Instead, we're examining the ideas and philosophies found in these movies from a Biblical perspective to help shift your thinking to align with the...
Tilt Shift Season 3 Trailer
Time is Running out 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music - Ark Encounter
The world's largest Christian music festival is coming to the Ark Encounter from August 2 through September 10, 2021. This special 40 Days and 40 Nights of Gospel Music event is going to be incredible over 80 concerts featuring over 40 different artists all in one place, in the Answers Center at ...
Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise
Simon Turpin interviews geneticist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson about the new book Traced.
What happened to the ancient Egyptians? The Persians? The Romans? The Mayans? Are we their descendants? Recent genetic discoveries are uncovering surprising links between us and the peoples of oldlinks that rewri...
Trailer: Contending for Creation Webinar
our UK team is hosting a creation webinar. This unique conference will focus on the various key aspects of creation and events recorded in Genesis 1-11.
Trailer: Demolishing Arguments Webinar
The belief in evolution and millions of years not only dominates the world's thinking but sadly the thinking of many in the church as well. The Demolishing Arguments' webinar conference will respond to these evolutionary ideas with talks addressing theistic evolution, human origins and purpose, ...
Truth: Answers for Women 2021 - Ken Ham Trailer
At Answers for Women Conference 2021, we delve deeply into God's Word to find out the truth. Satan is crafty, and he mixes truth with error making it hard to discern right from wrong. But when we understand and embrace God's Word, we will know the difference between the truth and the lies and we ...
Truth: Answers for Women 2021 - Trailer 1
At Answers for Women Conference 2021, we delve deeply into God's Word to find out the truth. Satan is crafty, and he mixes truth with error making it hard to discern right from wrong. But when we understand and embrace God's Word, we will know the difference between the truth and the lies and we ...
Upcoming Contending for Society Webinar
Simon and Ken promote the webinar.
Walking a Ham
Walking a ham. A Ham walking a ham. Another intriguing animal encounter.
Way of the Master - Trailer
The award-winning Way of the Master is a fast-paced, family-friendly talk show with a reality television twist. The program delivers inspiring, insightful, and thought-provoking interaction between dynamic co-hosts, captivating interviews with well-known guests, and colorful man-on-the-street wit...
بدايات - Trailer
حوار مفتوح - Trailer
You Can Do It All! (Junior & Gloria)
Junior knows there is a lot to do at the Ark Encounter.
You Can Go Inside? (Gracie & George)
Who is your favorite giraffe?
اسبوع الالام - Trailer
تلاميذ المسيح - Trailer
علامة استفهام - Trailer
علامة استفهام الجز الثاني - Trailer